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well, besides that you triple posted, ok:
cute-mew Wrote:

Rickraptor77 Wrote:
The picture is awsome i'll admit that,in fact if its possible i'll ask c-m if he can make me a new avvy with it

well, anyways, I'd really like a porygon2 ex psychic, maybe with a tool effect, TOOL, COME BACK ALIVE, well I'm going to world with it (ofcourse I'm going to change it) report's coming

BTW, nice list, tomo, oh, sorry, Mr. president

c-m <just felt like typing that

Can you make my name in yellow so it matches the Lightning,plz?
well, it can't be seen then, actually, the color I gave it now is the only color that you could read... really, the background is yellow, his head is blue and the thing on his head is red, I could try, but I'm warning you, it would be difficult to read.
A new request!

I wanna this:

And only the picture, if you can make...
please take a size in which I don't have to do anything special to fit the card in, I can do 120x100 or 150x100
Hey again, I was wondering if I could have a picture of an eletrode about to explode in the center of a bunch of pokemon. Small enough so you can fit about 7 other pokemon besides eletrode but big enough to see whats going on. Thanks in advanced and sorry if its alittle confusing/hard to make.
hey, I can mix sprites, add backgrounds and a lot of other stuff, but I CAN'T make sprites (actually I can but they look, well, BAD), so please don't ask me anything too difficult, I like a challenge, but that seems too difficult
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