My Totally Awsome Bonus Round!!!


I choose you Ninja Brian!
By popular demand I have created a bounus round for my future "Delta" Contest

Think of this as and extra creditit homework assginment for those participants who scored low in my contest.

Total bonus points: 50

Here is the Assignment:

Bonus Round 1: Create a Basic Holon's Pokemon( Double Rainbow ) Energy, Example: Holon's Castform

Bonus Round 2: Create a Basic Holon's Pokemon( C ) Energy, Example: Holon's Magnemite

Bonus Round 3: Create a Stage 1 Holon's Pokemon( Double Rainbow ) Energy, Example: Holon's Electrode

Now here's the catch: You have to chose from the pokemon listed for each round to enter inorder for you to recive the bouns points

Bonus Round 1: Smergle, Ditto & Dunsparce

Bonus Round 2: Pikachu, Meowth & Porygon

Bonus Round 3: Raichu, Persian & Porygon2

Note: Holon's Pokemon can't have pokebodies or pokepowers, the must have attack!
Does it occour now?

Holon's Smeargle
50 hp
C Holon Paint 10
Choose a type besides (C). Until the end of your opponent's next turn, Holon's Smeargle is that type.
*you know the effect!*
retreat cost:1
Holon's Ditto/Basic(C)

(*)(*) Transform & Strike
Choose 1 of the Defending
Pokémon's attacks. Ditto
performs that attack.

*-.-, holon's effect*
Holon's Dunsparce 70 HP ( C )

Basic Pokémon.

( C )( C )Digging Problem 30
Flip a coin. If tails, put 1 damage counter on Holon's Dunsparce.

*Holon's effect*

Weakness ( F )     Resistance (None)     Retreat Cost ( C )
Holon's Ditto
[C] 50HP

[C][C] Energy Transformation 10
Choose a type other than [C].Holon's Ditto is now that type.

*Holon Effect*
W:[F] R: RC:[C]
Holon's Ditto
60HP (C)

(C) copy
Ditto can sue an attack on the Defending Pokémon as its own.

*Holon effect*

weakness (F)
retreat cost (C)
cute-mew, I don't think you read the first post.

Holon's Smeargle
50 hp
C Holon Paint 10
Choose a type besides ©. Until the end of your opponent's next turn, Holon's Smeargle is that type.
*you know the effect!*
retreat cost:1
Holon's Ditto
50 HP
[C] Holon Merge
Choose one of your Benched Pokemon. You may switch Holon's Ditto with that Pokemon and attach Holon's Ditto to that Pokemon. All damage done to that pokemon is reduced by 10.


....this is just sad....
Holon's Dunsparce
HP: 50
Type: Colourless

CC Sharp Sting 10
Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. If tails, the Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned.

*Holon needs his own special rule lol*

Weakness: Fighting
Resistance: None
Retreat Cost: 0
Holon's Dunsparce {C}
{CC} Feint Attack
This attack does 20 damage to one of your opponent's Pokemon. Don't apply Weakness, Resistance, Poke-Bodies or Poke-Powers for this attack.
Weakness: {F}
Resistance: N/A
Retreat Cost: {C}
you just wati for a due date, and if they dont' reply, just ignore them. :/
thats what other ppl do.