Modern Warfare 2

Do You Like Modern Warfare 2?

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Grand Chase Addict
Hey guys. My name is Hailey, if you dont already know. Here is my review of Modern Warfare 2.

Alright, this game is simply amazing. I mean, there is a variety of guns and perks and equipment, all that you can create your own class. The story play of Modern Warfare 2 is quite boring, in my case. Im really good at the game, but seriously, I cannot even complete the campaigns on normal difficulty!!! The whitehouse part, there are seriously like 15 people all shooting at you at once. Campaign mode really upset me. I seriously was hoping my brother and me could play a cool story and help eachother out... But no. They gave the multiplayer option of collecting stars and going through challenges. How fun! Seriously, I was disappointed. I was starting to grow bored of the game, always wanting to go play Halo 3, but then, I tried online battling. :} Now this, this was like the cherry on top. You have to go through ranks, playing team deathmatch, demolition, headquarters, search and destroy, free-for-all, etc and kill your opponents. Everytime you kill someone, plant a bomb, controll the HQ, etc, you get experience points. Then you will rank up when you reached a certain amount. (Think of it like everytime you defeat a pokemon, your pokemon earns experience points) The levels stop at 70. I was so proud when I reached level 70. But, I found out about prestige mode. Basically, you have to repeat everything that you just did. This will get you more titles, emblems and challenges. So now, there is a total of ten times you can prestige(tenth prestige). Warning! Once you prestige, you loose all your guns and attachments and you have to earn them back! That is what really upset me. But hey, it keeps the game alive.

*****Ok, if you havent already seen it, I made a thread in pokemon discussions about Hacking, good or bad? People hack on MW2 also. They hack the accounts so that they can have 10th Prestige, all the titles, all the emblems and all missions completed. This SERIOUSLY should not be done. I recommend you to earn it the hard way. Do not accept to first prestige lobbies. Unless of course, you are a known cheater.... But hey, your game. Your life, you wanna ruin the game for everyone, whatever... Im just a second prestige right now. Someday, I will get to tenth. The hard way*****

So, what did you guys think about the game? Any agreements? Any disagreements? Are you the hacking type of person? Please discuss.

This game was fun for the first week. I was already first prestige six days after the release of the game. This game gets really boring and unless you are playing with friends it is poor.

I'm personally against hacking to 10th prestige, since it puts others off doing it the hard-way as people in lobbies will consider them cheaters. I'm currently sixth prestige level 70 and have decided to stay put and to complete the guns by getting camouflages, attachments etc. When I was into the game, the game was extremely easy as I had no problems getting around 14-20 kills in Search And Destroy easily. Now that I've began playing again, the core gamers are easy to deal with. Problem is there are too many people camping and using grenade launchers which in my opinion spoils the game more than hacking.

I've taken up the 'art' of trick-shots with snipers. This involves quick-scoping, no-scoping, 360's etc. Playing this with friends makes the game a bit more fun. Black Ops with most definitely be better than MW2, to be honest it couldn't be much worse. This game is boring and lacks that special something that previous CoD games had especially CoD5.
Yea I have it for the 360....

I don't mind people hacking 10th, the banners/emblems, or the guns, but when they have infections I go beserk
MW2... eww...

This game is ridiculously broken. the tubes, the commando, the 10th lobbies, the boosting...

I could go on and on about this game, but since Halo Reach is coming out in a week, I don't want to ruin the feeling by thinking about this pathetic excuse of a CoD game.
I liked this game for maybe a month or so. But after that I just got tired of all of the stuff that would go on in Multiplayer that was so stupid... Noob-tubing is one of them, and the fact that you could use 1-man Army to have infinite ammo is really really stupid... Dual Model 1887s were a problem then too, and those were really broken. Commando is pretty much letting people who can't aim have a shot at getting really unreal kills that tick off everyone else in the lobby. The 10th lobbies weren't that big of a deal, because I personally don't want to sit and level up forever on a game that's not worth playing to begin with.

Just overall it wasn't a very good game. The campaign was alright, but it seemed too much like a soap opera. Too many stupid little twists and turns no one needed in there. Can't wait for an actually console Multiplayer Shooter that's worth playing....
This game...
It's a great game, but it's ridiculously overhyped, and it gets boring, fast.
I'm so sick of talking it up and pretending to show interest in it at school.
I won't even pick it up now unless I'm asked by a friend to play on Live.
As you can tell, im a fan of this game. Not the story mode, which was all too confusing....

um..... i actually like the vectors akimbo.... idk....
it totally makes it a short range weapon, but hey. im an up-close-and-personal kind of guy. XD
I dont get noob-toobed too much. I try to avoid those noob--toob areas...
Quick scoping, i swear. WTH IS SO AMAZING ABOUT IT??? oh whoopie! you can shoot the gun without scoping! Good for you! *rolls eyes* the scope is for sniping. not to look all awesome with your quick scoping skills and stuff....
i love the game. idk about all this bullet penetration stuff....
i mean, the dude is shooting, right? it goes through a wall, goes through ANOTHER wall and through the dumpster im camping behind and it kills me. How MAGICAL is that???!!!
Quick-scoping actually takes skill, anyone can spray with a Vector.

I also forgot about Commando + Tactical Knife. That combination is extremely annoying and people need to stop being cheap by abusing these tactics. The majority of people on MW2 just care about levelling up and not how the game should be played in a fair and fun enviroment.

I'd rather have a console that survives for over a year, than one that has a lot of little kids screaming abuse in random lobbies.

Playstation 3 > Xbox 360
Playstation 3 > Xbox 360

The week I bought it, I took it back. Commando ruined the game, and noobs find it funny to be a n00btuber. Not funny. Not funny at all.
Knife Addicts=LOSERS

And some people online ruin the experience.
"Oh, this noob is level 1!"
I really got sick of seeing this. I got sick that people make the game a life style and stay up late owning noobs. Not only does it ruin the experience, it makes people not want to buy the game.

And don't get me started on Kill Streak rewards. That made the game really annoying. I mean seriously. 10 kills and you win. Not fun.
I honestly think 360 has a way better game library, but performance and community wise its PS3 all the way.

Anyways I'd like to counter your killstreak statement. Although yes, a lot of them are way too good and they are extremely broken, the person who is picking up those rewards has to get that many kills in a row without dying. If you can do that in a game where it rains noob tubes and Tactical Knifers run rampant, I think you deserve to jump into a Helicopter and wreck the mob of enemies trying to stab you. And also its 25 straight kills for the instant win. Not 10. Just thought I'd point that out :p
I honestly think 360 has a way better game library, but performance and community wise its PS3 all the way.

Anyways I'd like to counter your killstreak statement. Although yes, a lot of them are way too good and they are extremely broken, the person who is picking up those rewards has to get that many kills in a row without dying. If you can do that in a game where it rains noob tubes and Tactical Knifers run rampant, I think you deserve to jump into a Helicopter and wreck the mob of enemies trying to stab you. And also its 25 straight kills for the instant win. Not 10. Just thought I'd point that out
I didn't play the game that long, excuse me if I don't remember the most dumbest part of the game -__-

MW2 is nothing compared to the first MW. MW was fun because it wasn't so dull online.
To me, it was all ok. Im not too fond of talking to anyone over the xbox game system, because everytime i do,, they start flirting with me as if they actually know me in real life. I mean seriously??? Get off that game and go meet a girl. While you are gone, i will be up close and personal with ranger akimbo. <3
Sylv said:
Boosters are a bigger problem (reason I don't play FFA).
I play free for all mainly for the hunting and humiliation of boosters. And I'm usually sucessful. >:)

This video inspired me, maybe it'll inspire you too:
It's seemed that this game hasn't boded well then. You have to remember it's online, and any online game will use cheap tricks like quickskopes and akimbo rangers. But overall, I think it's a huge improvement to COD 4. Knifing is better, more guns, more weapon attachments, more kill streaks, more game modes. I just go on barebones sometimes if all the deaths I am getting are from killstreaks.
10th and hacked lobbies isn't isn't a reason mark this game down. The prestige system makes sense I suppose but have only 5 prestiges and rank to like 100 so you can actually do something. But this is my opinion: I love this game so much. I hate halo so much.
No, I just like the game, but a hater for halo? Yes.