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Standard Mega Gardevoir for world's (Steam Siege)


Aspiring Trainer
4 gardevoir ex (steam Siege)
3 m gardevoir ex (steam Siege)
4 absol (roaring skies)
3 hoopa ex
4 Shaymin ex
4 Professor Sycamore
2 N
2 Lysandre
1 pokemon Ranger
1 AZ
1 ninja boy
4 VS Seeker
3 ultra ball
3 mega turbo
3 gardevoir spirit link
2 max Potion
2 Battle Compressor
2 scared ash
4 sky field
8 fairy
Hey guys so the basic concept of this deck is to attack with mega Gardevoir. For quick and consistent damage. Hoopa and Shaymin in combination with despair ray help to maximize damage output. Absol is also here to conserve any extra damage by moving it to a benched pokemon, while also being used to discard for more damage. Running 2 sacred ash to help get pokemon back, but if Karen is released replace them with 1 Karen and 1 extra energy. Finally 4 sky field because you need as much bench space as possible. Any thoughts or suggestions will be greatly appreciated!