Max Character Limit

Yeah, imagine this:

Just what exactly is pokemon? Pokemon stands for pocket monsters. There are 386 known species of pokemon. My favourite is Bulbasaur, then Ivysaur then Venusaur, charmander, Charmeleon and Charizard. I hate Duel Masters, Yugioh, GI Joe, Simpsons, Neopets, Star Wars, Homework, School, Recess, English, Chinese, Maths, Science, blah blah blah.
i think the signature limit should be a little longer, considering that some links don't show much detail and such but the link takes up a lot of text.
I was wondering if the character limit could be moved up to 500 instead of 255 because it will give us a bit more stuff to add such as pictures and websites that have to do with pokemon and also sometimes it says your signature is too long before the number is up too. I just think that 500 is a better number.:)
Soryy about that guys but it shows how much I like charizard and I had a hard time doing it because we are on Wi-Fi so our computer is slow and we are at an RV park and there are alot of users using it so I just put that one in because I like it and it was the easiest to put in thats all.:)