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Leaferade/Jumpluff (Any tounament, Masters)


The hurler will soon become the hurlee..
New as I am to the metagame, I hope this relatively cheap deck won't do too bad. It bases itself on the massive powers of Miasma Wind, which i try to utilize with a bunch of different techs - Roserade amongst others. I've added the 2 copies of Jumpluff that I possess, due to the fact that it's an awesome attacker for one freakin energy:) Also this deck relies on a pretty full bench, being ideal for pluff's Mass attack. This is what you're looking at:

4-4 Leafeon
3-2-2 Jumpluff

3-3 Roserade
2-2 Magmortar SV
1-1 Houndoom Prime (50/50 for burn is nice:))
(All do add special conditions for Miasma Wind)
1-1 Metapod (Prevent autoloss against fire...)
1 Shaymin UL (Spread energy from roserade to my attackers after having played a few for confusion and poison. I figured that Roserade isn't the best attacker...)


4 Pokemon Communication
1 Luxury Ball
2 Energy Pickup

3 Seeker (Re-use magmortar)
2 Interviewer's Questions
2 Bebe's Search
2 Professor Oak's New Theory
1 Pokemon Collector

3 Broken Time Space (For rapid play of pluff, leafeon, and magmorta)

4 Rainbow
6 Grass

Before you wreak havoc over my little ideas, please keep in mind that my economy is kind of limited... If I had the money, I'd buy 4 Uxies etc... Therefore, I'd be interested in knowing if some of the cards are totally unnecessary, but please don't facepalm over myself not including staples as Uxie. If I had one, I'd include it...

Ps. I know my draw-power is kind of weak... Improve?
I like this idea. I'd thought of doing something like it before, but then got sidetracked on a Roserade/Sceptile deck lol. ^-^ Anyway, I have a few suggestions.

First, take out the 3-2-2 Jumpluff and replace it with: (1) +1-1 Magmortar SV set (because running a 3-3 Magmortar SV in this deck is just too cruel not to do!). (2) +1 Seeker (for obvious reasons). (3) +2 Prof. Oak's New Theory (because that card is an excellent and highly reliable gen. purpose drawing card). (3) +1 Fisherman and +1 Palmer's Contribution.

Next, take out the 1-1 Metapod and the 1-1 Houndoom P and replace with 2 VR Seeker, 1 Pokemon Collector, and 1 Bebe's Search.

Then, take out 1 GRS energy, both Energy Pickup, and 1-1 Leafeon, and replace with 5 PSY energy.

So, the deck would look like this:
3-3 leafeon
3-3 Magmortar
3-3 Roserade
1 Shaymin UL
4 Seeker
4 Prof. Oak's New Theory
4 Pokemon Commnunicator
3 Bebe's Search
2 Pokemon Collector
2 Interviewer's Questions
1 Luxery Ball
3 Broken Time-Space
2 VR Seeker
1 Palmer's Contribution
1 Fisherman
4 Rainbow

You run this deck right, and you'll totally be smacking some poor fool for 150 (for 1 CLRS ENERGY!! XD) every time, before most of'em can even get their party started lol. ^_~ And, I should add that if Leafeon get's KOed, or if you're in a situation where special conditions aren't going to help (like against a Steelix Prime), you can bring in Roserade (who you've been putting energy on, or who you can move all your energy to using Shaymin).

Hope that helps. Laters!
Hmm, interesting thoughts on the structure - especially the focus on Magmortar and the increased energypercentage - I think I'll test that! Will have to use some money on lacking supporters, but this should be doable. Hopefully I'll be competitive in no time;) Thanks;)
I have this deck too...only problem is Steelix Prime laughs in your face. Maybe tech in a 1-1 Dialga G X, which can be found in the Clash Of Legends box for about 15 bucks, or a Blaziken FB X.
What do you guys think of Energy Exchanger to get hold of the rainbow erergies in critical situations? Waste of space?
I don't like Energy Exchanger, and I'm not sure you'll need it, really. But run the proxy, and if you have a really hard time gettin' the Rainbow, then do it (take out a BeBe's and a Communicator [owchie])
do you have a shaymin (land form) lv.x? if so i recomend it. if so take out one energy pickup for it.
I agree, the Shaymin x would be a great addendum, but sadly, i don't have it:(

Do you guys think it'll be worth it to use seeker on a "loaded" roserade as apposed to spreading the energy with shaymin? With seeker I get to re-use rainbow energy for a vicious 110 with miasma wind on the same turn as i seek for it, given a BTS. But maybe my matches won't last this long... I guess that after attaching my total of 4 rainbow energies, I would either have succeeded tremendously or failed harshly... Agree?
@ATS: Where's this 110 coming from? If you get the Leafeon/Magmortar/Roserade+Time-Space combo going, along with your seekers, you're going to be doing 150 damage every time you hit (50 for poison, from Roserade; 50 from confusion and 50 from burn, from Magmortar), +10 poison damage, and possibly +20 burn and +20 confusion, if they to attack and fail. So, that's a solid 160, with a possible 200, in the end (if Burn and Confusion work). And, most Pokemon will faint from the first 160, which means you'll probably win the game after 6 Miasma Winds. ^_~ I'm hoping, with your t/s/s setup that your game will be over pretty fast, with you the winner.

But, to answer your real question: using a seeker on a loaded Roserarde, vs. using a Shaymin to spread the Energy, depends on how badly you need those energy back in your hand. Roserade needs you to "attach...[the Energy card]...from your hand to Roserade..." for its Poke-Power to do its thing. So, if you need the energy from a Roserade back in your hand, so that you can re-attach those energy cards from your hand again to another Roserade, then Seeker is what you'll use. But, let's say you have a Roserade that gets sniped, and is 10HP away from death, but you need all that energy to stay in play, but on another Roserade. In that situation, you will use Shaymin to simply move the energy from your hurt Roserade to one that isn't so beat up.

Does that make sense?
Yeah, I'm fully aware of Miasma Wind's full potential, but 110 is the minimum you'll need to ko most sp pokemon like garchomp and luxray;) Therefore, I consider an attack to be worth doing even without the awesome powers of magmortar;) (Not saying I won't use him, but I won't hesitate attacking even if I should get really unlucky and fail to get this fiery card into play right away...)

Regarding the seeker-roserade issue I think I know where you're going;) And it makes perfect sense to consider the given situation properly, a thing that I think I'll have plenty of time to do as the game outplays itself. Looking forward to test this;)
Some time has passed, and after having testet the proxy a little, I have a few important questions regarding the structure that was proposed.

Firstly, I find myself in a position of trouble regarding what to do with my starting basic. Drawing only a magmar is simply awful, and a roselia doesn't quite render the opponent speechless... Unless I draw an Eevee (Call for family), I actually find myself in a rather lousy position... Therefore I decided to add an eevee and a leafeon, simply to increase the odds of drawing one on the first turn. But gambling on getting at least 1 out of 4 eevees on the first turn seems kind of risky... Any ideas as to what should do?

Secondly, I find the vast number of supporters and stadiums to be kind of troubling, due to the fact that I can only play a single one each turn... A pretty common sight in my test matches, was a hand filled with seekers that I was yet to have a use for, combined with Pokemon Communications that I were unable to use due the low number of pokemon... Unless I draw Prof. Oak's, which is a rather nifty card in this interesting deck, I'm doomed to a match of pure failure, as my entire Leafeon strategy relies on searching out crucial pokemon early... Therefore I was thinking of swapping some of the supporters in this deck for some more "playable" trainers - is this an entirely bad idea? If not, I would love some suggestions, as to which trainers that would worth looking into. Of course, I might just be playing the deck all wrong, and failing to understand how to utilize this interestingly high number of supporters/stadiums... More help, please!
I've now swapped some of the supporters for a chatot and an unown q, thus making my starts a lot easier to handle. This also makes it a lot easier to utilize pokemon communication, a card that a nasty habit of piling up in my hand due to few pokemon...