Ruling Latias


Aspiring Trainer
Latios ex

My question is, are the suffixes, Delta, ex, EX, Lv. X, or LEGEND part of the Pokemon's name? This would apply to Latias' second attack: If Latios ex or Latios EX were on your bench, would the attack heal Latias?
SheNinja said:
Latios ex

My question is, are the suffixes, Delta, ex, EX, Lv. X, or LEGEND part of the Pokemon's name? This would apply to Latias' second attack: If Latios ex or Latios EX were on your bench, would the attack heal Latias?

Latios EX/ex are not the same as Latios. You would not be able to heal Latias with its attack. The suffixes are part of its name.
EDIT: That's the reason one can have 4 Latios and 4 Latios ex in the same deck!