Korean Cards, Fake or Not?


Aspiring Trainer
Hi everyone,

I recently got interested in Korean cards, and am wondering if anyone has really run into fakes of these cards?

I looked around several places to buy these cards, and have found some around gmarket to be fairly cheap, but am slightly hesitant to buy them due to being afraid of getting fakes. This is one of the products I'm considering: http://item2.gmarket.co.kr/English/detailview/item.aspx?goodscode=599150812
If anyone has bought from this website and/or possibly from this seller, please let me know what your experience was like.

Along side of that, does anyone have any general advice for spotting out if a Korean card is fake or not? I assume the characteristics are fairly different from English cards, and some guidance would be appreciated.

They only ship with EMS, so the savings disappears. Buy off eBay. You will save money.

I have extra Korean cards.
Our of all the types of cards in the world i doubt theres any money in faking korean cards considering for instance english is more popular and bring bigger bucks.

I have 9 boxes of korean cards on the shelf and they all look legit so wouldnt worry too much.

I ordered mine off amazon with prime shipping for $23 per box