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Klinklang EX BW-on


Swift Swimming Away...
So, I've always loved the concept of Klinklang EX, and finally got the cards at Nationals (minus the next expantion cards). The idea is that you Get a ton of Ex's, 1 will be Darkrai, set up Klinklang, and sweep, switching energies off of damaged EXs, use a Max Potion, and move them back on, consistently denying the opponent prizes while nuking them with characteristic EX attacks.

Klinklang EX

Pokemon 17

3-1-3 Klinklang
2 Darkrai EX
2 Groudon EX
2 Kyurem EX
1 Kyogre EX
1 Mewtwo EX
1 Kyurem

Trainers 31

4 Heavy Ball
2 Ultra Ball/Communication
3 Rare Candy
4 Max Potion
4 N
3 Bianca
2 Juniper
3 Random Receiver
3 Eviolite
3 Catcher
1 Large Cloak

Energy 12

4 Prism
2 Dark
2 Metal

Kyurem coboes very well with Groudon, who is one of my main attackers by powering up Giant Claw, Kyogre, for scoring KO's on Altaria, and Kyurem EX, by helping him hit 150, for Empoleon and Hydreigon.
I run dark energy for the sole purpose of getting free retreat on my Klinklang forever, but Switch might be superior.
Any comment are welcome, as long as you don't try to make me switch to the Hydreigon version. I know it exists, and Klinklang gets more options (with WFLM Blend), making it better in my opinion.
i would take out a registeel for a kyogre cuz it works well with darkrai and groudon and it does 10 more damage sniping than registeel
-1 Registeel
+1 Kyogre
hope i helped
also its the BW klinklang that moves energys not the EP
I know, but with Sableye/Enhanced Hammer, I will almost definitely need to retrieve energies.
I'm using Registeel over Kyogre because I'm running basic metal energies, which can be moved and not discarded by Garchomps first attack. But I don't know, is the extra damage worth it?
I would still suggest one or two switch, just for those times when you aren't able to attach a dark energy and you are being stalled by your opponent catchering Klinklang.

Also in the match up against Garchomp Altaria, don't count out the fact that Garchomp DOES have two attacks and the second attack will pack a punch if they can set up their Altarias before you're able to Laser them.
I'm counting on the fact that they won't have a catcher, as with only 2 Altaria they 1-shot Klinklang, and there isn't anything I can do about it, except maybe adding large cloak or DCE to set up Registeel turn 2.
I would love to add switch but I am very tight on deck space. What should I take out?

Also, I'm freaking out about the Sableye/hammer deck, and I can't think of anything to stop it.
Does this help?

-1 Zekrom (Does damage to itself. And will most likely lose 3 energy after attacking)
-2 Juniper (Other Supporters are better for getting Klinklang + Rare Candy in hand at the same time)
-1 Eviolite (I think 3 is enough. Even with Tool Scrapper, the card isn't amazing enough to run 4 anyway)
-1 Registeel (Registeel is more of a 1 time kinda Pokemon. Not a main attacker)

+1 Catcher (Without Junk Arm, or Skyla, for now. 2 is just not enough)
+1 Kyogre EX (Can get nice combos that Registeel can't. Such as Dual Splash an Altaria + Garchomp. Then Night Spear Garchomp and Altaria, and it can KO week basics allot easier)
+1 Klink (If you want to get out BW and EP Klinklang at the same time, 4 will make that allot easier)
+1 Klinklang BW (Your only running 2 Klinklang BW. So if 1 is prized and 1 gets KOed, you're kinda screwed)
+1 Bianca (Better to draw into Klinklang + Rare Candy. Don't like the card enough? Try some Cherens)

Hope I could help you out.

^ ya, that all makes sense, but I think 4-1-4 may be a tad big for a support stage 2.
Large Cloak is pretty much required in this deck BW-on for the same Altchomp OHKO reason you stated above. 2 Altaria out is what you should always expect, and with Max Potions even the +20 is a great benefit. However, you really only need one, which you can drop just whenever you see it. It's necessary to play, and to put down in the Altchomp matchup, but not to rush toward getting. That said, some people don't like one-ofs, especially BW-on, because they can sometimes shoot consistency in the foot.

Registeel EX is not a good card. You will not be donking Tynamo fields with it because by the time you have the energy to attack with it, they're evolved. Your attackers won't be dying anyway, in theory, so cutting one doesn't hurt so much.

-1 Registeel EX
+1 Large Cloak
-1 Something you dislike
+1 more Large Cloak
I use Registeel because of the colorless energy requirement, which works well with my basic steels to avoid enhanced hammer. I guess Tornadus EX works too, and Mewtwo, but I don't know, just something with a colorless energy requirement.

I'll but in the large cloak, but will I really be able to draw into it at the same time I have a Klinklang before they catcher it?
Energy requirements for Darkrai and Klinklang mean you should be aiming to always always have at least 1 Prism on the field anyway.

For Large Cloak, that's partly why I suggested 2 if you're not comfortable with 1. Test it and see, I suppose. The thing I'd be worried about most with 1 Large Cloak isn't trying to draw into it, it's prizing the sucker. That always hurts.

I say test 1 and test 2 and see what works.
Well of course. You have a couple of months until another tourney will be held anyway. I certainly didn't mean "Test immediately."
Lumos77 said:
Klinklang EX

Pokemon 16

4-1-4 Klinklang (1 EPO)
2 Darkrai EX
2 Groudon EX
1 Kyogre EX
1 Mewtwo EX
1 Kyurem EX
Take out a groudon and put in a terrakion. Then, take out a mewtwo and put in a cobalion. Cobalion is a counter to mewtwo. A great one!
I was testing this deck at league yesterday and Cobalion won me a game that I should of lost so definitely put it in
I'm honestly not sure why Coballion is so good, with Switch and Darkrai running around, it seems very useless. Kyurem I have been considering, since one of my main attackers is Groudon, but I am rather limited on space.
I'm gonna go:
- 1 Klinklang EPO
- 1 Rare Candy
+ 1 Kyurem
+ 1 Kyurem EX (my only defense to Empoleon, and gets much better after a Glaciate)
I'm going to wait for the Coballion for a bit, since I don't see what is so great about it.
Actualy, it is very useful, and I only play it down when it would net an 1HKO, like Darkrai/Hydreigon and Empoleon, and it wouldn't be able to be 1HKOed. I might put it in against Gartalia if I have enough energies left over to power up Kyogre to snipe Altaria's
I dunno, that still seems risky at best. Other than Darkrai decks, 130 is a pretty easy number to hit. That's why Gothitelle died. (inb4 Mewtwo, even without Psychic weakness Mewtwo hits 130 easy.)