
More Repulicans everyday! Thanks Obama
While i know that the gym has there hands in PUI's pocket and this will most likely get locked ( more like deleted) i would like to stage my sit in, and maybe give people a place to stage there own. I would like people to help me raise a voice to PUI and have them compisate us now for this PR and not have to wait and see if things change to a diffrent prize or they just shaft us and drop back to 8 packs no decks.  I will not be the one to stand by and let the players. ( you know the ones that fund the game) to get the short end of the stick. which then allows them to shaft us again. so i ask that people "sign" my petition and make them do something now and today. ( pop packs more packs etc0 cuz if you let the cat pee on the bed, she will always pee on the bed. So raise your fist and say " I will not be Treated as Such!" thank you all for your time..

(copy's of this are sent to the Gym as well)

JOIN THE DECK BOX BOYCOTT ( add this to your sig to help push for prize support)
well with it dropping from 10 to 8 packs is ok when the deck boxes are added its ok. but now none... its just a short way to 8 packs and nothing else way down the line. with outa stand up/sit out etc. theres gunna be crap commin are way down the line
with a prerelease you normally get 10 packs. they recently changed it to 8 and a deck box. well PUI has made a mistake and theres no deck boxes for this one. and there not putting any effort into compensating for the loss of the deck box. i just want to make a way for them to relise we wont tollerate them doing this to us again
what the box prize or the Pr deck boxes.... the FP boxes are missed as well. esp with a pay tourny. heck lesser seeling TCG"S kiss player behind with prizes CASH! none the less
Well at are Pre-Release MPB is making up for the loss of deck boxes with 2 extra packs. Plus the deck boxes suck, so I'd rather have the 2 extra packs.

Arcanine out.
i liked the deck boxs myself saves me cash buying them. but a return to the 2 extra would be great, but from PUI not the cooridinators cost.

also i'm being beseiged on the gym lol. back up requested lol

well its offical i just got banned from pokegym for stating my opinion and getting mad for having been personally attacked. this is not a good topic i guess then.

( pm me for the Post i saved the text..... retooling now)
You're not going to get banned here. I just read your thread at n00bégym and simply, out of pure common sense, can not comprehend why the members there were so angry with your post. Most of them need to get a life. The idea is to not go to n00bégym if you want to voice your opinion because they rarely listen.

I read this and see your point but I don't think it's going to go anywhere. All those speeches about 'One man can make a difference' simply does not cut it in the modern world and despite having thousands of people behind you I highly doubt PUI will do anything.

Knowing my shop, that we go to pre-releases for, we will simply ask them to compensate with booster packs and they might just do so. There's really nothing you can do, so you may as well just ask your shop. If they say no then bad luck, but if they say yes then that's good enough.
count me in. You know when FRLG came out(my first prerelease) for a prerelease prizes were HUGE (winners got a full booster box)(also the admission was $15 instead of $20)! now you get a piece of crap box that doesn't last a month(you also get cool pins but i like those)!
I'm in because I hate deck boxes and how they are always forced on us when all they are good for now is getting energy. I also want in because pokegym banned me for a week after saying martin is a moron who got lucky.
I agree. should I spend 20 dollas on just 8 packs pin and acommon card that says "prerelease" on it ?it just don't seem worth it. 10 packs is more I like it !!!!
my problem has always been that pui is putting horrible pressure on the store owners imo to really step up and like i say not many make much on them. to those TO's that do step up good job. but it should be PUI's decision to step it not the store owners TO's etc.
DarkMagnus said:
i liked the deck boxs myself saves me cash buying them. but a return to the 2 extra would be great, but from PUI not the cooridinators cost.

also i'm being beseiged on the gym lol. back up requested lol

well its offical i just got banned from pokegym for stating my opinion and getting mad for having been personally attacked. this is not a good topic i guess then.

( pm me for the Post i saved the text..... retooling now)

God forbid somebody have a problem with something and want to start a civil and organized boycott! Ever heard of Martin Luther King Jr., aka one of the greatest Americans who ever lived?
well i've decided to quit the game over my beliefs and its not becuase of the boxs/packs. in that thread on the gym some one i considered a freind attacked me trying to help people make a statement. kinda sad huh? well i hear spoils a good game huh? well i just hope that some little kid doesn't go home crying today with out a deck box and no parents cause a storm. i enjoyed them game. unitl the reality of the gaming world of Pokémon is the same as Magic. the same reasons i quit that game.