Japan's XY9 Set: 'Rage of the Broken Sky,' New 'Battle Strengthening Sets'

I personally like the clay artworks :( the snubbull from breakthrough is really cute. Maybe this one is a bit worse, but thats mainly because nuzleaf is a bit boring as a pokemon design
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Awwww! Figurine artwork! Haven't seen that in a while. Me likey.
Well Snubbull and Cacnea from BREAKthrough, Beldum from Ancient Origins, Dunsparce from Roaring Skies and Hippopotas from Primal Clash have a "figurine artwork" too, by Yuka Morii ;)
Well Snubbull and Cacnea from BREAKthrough, Beldum from Ancient Origins, Dunsparce from Roaring Skies and Hippopotas from Primal Clash have a "figurine artwork" too, by Yuka Morii ;)

Yeah, I should've been more clear. I'm liking that there's more of them. They've got a nostalgic feel to them.
I love them. Kids at our school used to think they were fakes because the artwork was just a toy but never questioned their non holo Rayquaza C Lv X or their 800 HP Magneton. I'd like to see it done with some newer Pokemon.
It reminds me very much of the old ditto clay figures from ex Delta Species. I really loved them :)
Gee... that art looks really hollow to me compared to the art of the set already revealed...
oh wow this is pretty much similar to a wally except u cannot attack on the first turn. Hope trevenant gets a break :) But not sure what the attack/ability will be that will pair nicely with gengar ex, just a bigger wall to get around item lock.
Aww the nuzleaf reminds me of pikmin so cute the artist's design. But for competative sake the flashfire nuzleaf will always be used for broken vine space aka Forest of Giant Plants. The problem if Shiftry got a break as well is that it would be getting a stage 3 out into play and that is very difficult (points at Chestnaught Break) maybe if there is a Supporter/stadium that lets u reveal a break card in your hand then, search your deck for a previous evolution of that card and it can evolve the same turn? then they would be more playable?
Ideally you will want to attach the energy to something else while getting a Wally off, but this is great insurance for Trevenant.
The Nuzleaf ''art'' I guess It's meant as a tradition. But I don't like these figurines. It's underwhelming compared to the incredible illustrations. So far Break Point has really nice artwork, you can see the artists put a lot of work into them. However what really grinds my gears are the Yellow Borders, please TPCI let them be gone.

...Just let me complain for a change :p
The Nuzleaf ''art'' I guess It's meant as a tradition. But I don't like these figurines. It's underwhelming compared to the incredible illustrations. So far Break Point has really nice artwork, you can see the artists put a lot of work into them. However what really grinds my gears are the Yellow Borders, please TPCI let them be gone.

...Just let me complain for a change :p
Hey, at least they're not these hideous silver ones.
So, this card is #45. This means unless Aegislash has a BREAK (highly unlikely at this point), card #44 is Skrelp, since it's the only pokémon that fits in there and that means we have at least one Dragon card, Dragalge!

btw, I'd prefer if they had kept the silver borders on the BREAK cards...