Is it Mewbox still viable?

OU Pokemon

Aspiring Trainer
Right now, I have been trying to build a Mewbox deck on TCGO for the past 5 months, yes 5 months, and with all the developments, is Mewbox still viable, or is it not? If it isn't I might go play either Eelzone or Six Corners.
who knows?

it can be slaughtered by mewtwo, but it does gain level ball and prism energy from ND, so it's still playable.
27th_wonder said:
who knows?

it can be slaughtered by mewtwo

How so? You have their weakness, so It shouldn't be hard to knock it out at all. Lost zone a zoroark and you can OHKO a mewtwo.

27th_wonder said:
it does gain level ball and prism energy from ND, so it's still playable.

I don't see how level ball helps because you could just use a dual ball. But you typically don't want to run trainers with it anyway. Prism energy on the other hand is amazing. You can run 4 prism and 4 rainbow.
I'd say it's definitely still viable. Anything that can beat Mewtwo EX is viable. :p
It's still viable. Just include Terrakion because ZPST is basically an autoloss without it. It's obviously going to need Mewtwo as well.
I play a MewBox right now, that can beat a lot of the metagame decks. But the main reason is because a lot of people don't know how to play against it. I wouldn't use it at bigger tournaments because it will lose to all decks that can set up for a quick consistent 60-80 dmg, but it is my favourite deck to play in my league.
I haven't tested it with the cards from Next Destinies, but I think it would get better now, since we get Prism energy and because we can abuse the powerful EX attacks without risking to lose two prizes on a KO.

About Mewtwo EX:
I love taking two prizes with Mew using a one energy attack ^_^
Is Mewbox still viable? Yes, I would say that it can be played with some success, it does have difficulties with a lot of decks in the metagame however. You will lose to ZPST. You will lose to CaKE, and a decent amount of 6 corners. If I were to play something with Mew this format, I would probably play with Vanilluxe and Unfezant. The paralysis lock is great and with Victini you will hardly ever miss it. The lock is brutal, and can be more effective than simply hitting for large amounts of damage. Mew variants are fairly viable, and they have a great Mewtwo EX match up which is always a plus, but if you have the cards for Eelzone or Six Corners (you said you were considering building one of them), I would recommend building either of those decks over Mewbox.
Vulpix Yolk said:
Is Mewbox still viable? Yes, I would say that it can be played with some success, it does have difficulties with a lot of decks in the metagame however. You will lose to ZPST. You will lose to CaKE, and a decent amount of 6 corners. If I were to play something with Mew this format, I would probably play with Vanilluxe and Unfezant. The paralysis lock is great and with Victini you will hardly ever miss it. The lock is brutal, and can be more effective than simply hitting for large amounts of damage. Mew variants are fairly viable, and they have a great Mewtwo EX match up which is always a plus, but if you have the cards for Eelzone or Six Corners (you said you were considering building one of them), I would recommend building either of those decks over Mewbox.

Vanilluxe/Unfezant are the worst variants of Mewbox. Cincinno, Zoroark, and Muk are all the most solid options for See Off. You shouldn't lose to Mewtwo in a prize race, as they trade 2 for 1.

In my opinion, Mewbox is still a viable option. The real trick with Mewbox is this: in the first few rounds, you should be able to win because you will take an opponent by surprise and, if played aggressively, you should be able to get wins. As you move into the later rounds with fellow X-0s or X-1s, you'll find that it isn't about surprises anymore, they'll be ready for most of Mewbox's tricks. At that point, it's about consistency, and how fast you can set up a Vileplume. A slow Vileplume often times means a lost game. If you can make it really consistent, then yes, it's a solid matchup. It's got positive matchups versus Mewtwo and Magnezone, which are two obvious things going for it.
Seth1789110 said:
Vanilluxe/Unfezant are the worst variants of Mewbox. Cincinno, Zoroark, and Muk are all the most solid options for See Off. You shouldn't lose to Mewtwo in a prize race, as they trade 2 for 1.

In my opinion, Mewbox is still a viable option. The real trick with Mewbox is this: in the first few rounds, you should be able to win because you will take an opponent by surprise and, if played aggressively, you should be able to get wins. As you move into the later rounds with fellow X-0s or X-1s, you'll find that it isn't about surprises anymore, they'll be ready for most of Mewbox's tricks. At that point, it's about consistency, and how fast you can set up a Vileplume. A slow Vileplume often times means a lost game. If you can make it really consistent, then yes, it's a solid matchup. It's got positive matchups versus Mewtwo and Magnezone, which are two obvious things going for it.
He doesn't mean Mewbox, he means VVV.
No, Seth got the idea of my post. I meant using Vanilluxe and Unfezant as Pokémon to See Off with Mew. I completely disagree with him that a straight forward Mewbox with standard attackers is a better variant of Mew however. Sure, you will win against Mewtwo, but you basically have an autoloss, or an extremely difficult match up against every other deck in the format. It doesn't matter how off guard you catch, say, a ZPST player, they are still going to win, you stand little to no chance. Regular Mewbox simply has way too many difficult match ups, you lose to at least half of the meta consistently. You can't deal out enough damage to one shot the Dragons, the Musketeers, or any of the upcoming EXs excluding Mewtwo, and you can't out-speed decks like CaKE, Durant (this one is still winnable ), or 6 Corners. Mew Vanilluxe is more solid around the board, because once the lock is up, you have a decent match up with any deck in the format that isn't carrying Unown Cure. That's why I suggested it. Do I feel that either variant is a solid deck in this format? Would I play either variant right now? No, both are barely viable, I just feel that the Vanilluxe variant is slightly better because it has more even match ups.
How about Mew Prime (any variation) coupled with a late game sweeper/tank? I have been toying around with this idea of having Mew See Off either the usual straight-up attackers or Vanilluxe/Unfezant for the early game before using a low to medium cost sweeper for the end game. Not quite sure what would be the ideal sweeper just yet, maybe Cobalion or something in the vein of it. It sounds rogue, but that's how I think Mewbox could and should be - depending on the meta of course.
Vulpix Yolk said:
No, Seth got the idea of my post. I meant using Vanilluxe and Unfezant as Pokémon to See Off with Mew. I completely disagree with him that a straight forward Mewbox with standard attackers is a better variant of Mew however. Sure, you will win against Mewtwo, but you basically have an autoloss, or an extremely difficult match up against every other deck in the format. It doesn't matter how off guard you catch, say, a ZPST player, they are still going to win, you stand little to no chance. Regular Mewbox simply has way too many difficult match ups, you lose to at least half of the meta consistently. You can't deal out enough damage to one shot the Dragons, the Musketeers, or any of the upcoming EXs excluding Mewtwo, and you can't out-speed decks like CaKE, Durant (this one is still winnable ), or 6 Corners. Mew Vanilluxe is more solid around the board, because once the lock is up, you have a decent match up with any deck in the format that isn't carrying Unown Cure. That's why I suggested it. Do I feel that either variant is a solid deck in this format? Would I play either variant right now? No, both are barely viable, I just feel that the Vanilluxe variant is slightly better because it has more even match ups.
The idea of Mewbox is to outplay your opponent by running a bunch of cards that function very well under trainer lock while locking your opponent out of the cards they need. It's not to try to spam heads. Mewscoops is a completely different deck. Mewbox is not all about one-shots and outspeeding. It's about disruption/option denial, type/card advantage, and prize denial.
Vulpix Yolk said:
Is Mewbox still viable? Yes, I would say that it can be played with some success, it does have difficulties with a lot of decks in the metagame however. You will lose to ZPST. You will lose to CaKE, and a decent amount of 6 corners. If I were to play something with Mew this format, I would probably play with Vanilluxe and Unfezant. The paralysis lock is great and with Victini you will hardly ever miss it. The lock is brutal, and can be more effective than simply hitting for large amounts of damage. Mew variants are fairly viable, and they have a great Mewtwo EX match up which is always a plus, but if you have the cards for Eelzone or Six Corners (you said you were considering building one of them), I would recommend building either of those decks over Mewbox.

I only have the Elektrik for the Eelzone, but I have 9 of them. I also do not have a great trainer collection.
But I will try to start building it rather quickly.

EDIT: I will also get a Terrakion, but which Terrakion?
OU Pokemon said:
EDIT: I will also get a Terrakion, but which Terrakion?

Get the one from Noble Victories. The one from Emerging Powers might have two attacks for the same energy cost that gives 10 more dmg, but the NV one can do a potentiel 90 dmg with two energies, which is enough to ko any Lightning Pokemon in the metagame. And the second attack isn't restricted to every second turn.
+ it has the magical number of 130 HP ;)
I am going to trade for Terrakion NV very quickly. Also, should I continue to try getting Yanmega Prime as I heard that it is not becoming very viable, but it basically has no energy cost with equal hand size, so should I drop my (planned) 3-3 line of Yanmega Prime and replace it, or not? Another question I have is that I heard the Empoleon is in Dark Rush, and I have 2 Jumpluffs for See Off, but should I replace them for the Empoleon or keep the Jumpluff?
Yanmega is still okay. It's a key part of Mewbox, so I'd keep it in there. Empoleon won't come out for awhile, so I'd hold off on that. Unless you're running Water Energy, nothing makes Empoleon better than Jumpluff anyway. If you're not running Water, it's actually worse because you don't get the second attack. You really only need one Jumpluff though.
Ive taken to running Cinccino over Jumpluff, because It seems to me once you get the pluff in the LZ, your opponent tends to regulate their bench more. I mean twenty more damage is viable, but its not always there. My MewBox/MewAggro decks are always different anyway so IDK. Its player based mostly.
I could see Mewbox struggle against D&D If they're running the regular Kyurem, and ChandePlume can Cursed Shadow twice easily on multiple Mews with Dodrio benched. That and the EX Pokemon make it much harder for Mew to score some KO's with Jumpluff in the Lost Zone for Mass Attack. Have fun playing against The Truth with Regigigas EX just tanking like a boss.

Did I mention Mewtwo EX can machine gun Mews one by one with X-Ball with a DCE attached? Things aren't looking too good for Mewbox when you consider how much the metagame has changed since before Noble Victories was released. I still miss that deck cause it was the last solid deck I had winning in tournaments with before Kyurem ruined my day with Glaciate.
Well Mewtwo EX gets shot back by Mew Prime for double the prizes.. I don't see why Mewtwo would win the prize exchange against Mew Prime