Is 'Generations' a Really Limited Set?

Slowbro Master

Card Collector
I'm seeing that it's only available in the mythical collection boxes, and the red and blue boxes. Isn't that going to make this set really valuable? Is it worth it for me right now to drop $55-$80 on the M-Charizard EX? I don't know if this thing is gonna skyrocket, and I really want it for my collection.
Well, let's see some of the current issues facing the set right now...
  • Only available in a grand total of 15 value boxes, with the Mew Box being the only one stores at the moment (The Charizard-EX box and the Celebi Box are coming out next month).
  • A grand total of 4-6 boxes per shipment before considering in-store preorders.
  • Only two packs per box (The EX boxes having four instead of two).
  • People buying them for their resale value (which was at $20-$25 USD the last time I checked).
  • Employees getting first dibs on 'em (GameStop being the most notorious thanks to them only getting 4 boxes per store).
  • Other issues that probably won't come up until later (Errors on TPCi's/the distributor's part)
So for now, I'd wait on buying singles until more products come into the market. They'll go down with time.

But then again, this IS Charizard we're talking about here...
There was only one in the town that I live next to. None at any of the several Wal Marts or Targets. Only 1 out like 4 Gamestops. do you think that these boxes will be restocked during the year? I bought the last one they had, but I'm not opening, will get another one to open soon though.
There was only one in the town that I live next to. None at any of the several Wal Marts or Targets. Only 1 out like 4 Gamestops. do you think that these boxes will be restocked during the year? I bought the last one they had, but I'm not opening, will get another one to open soon though.

They probably will, my local Target had one out on display and another six boxes in a shipment they got today and my LGS got 4 and ordered more when the shipment arrived.
I'm going to buy a few of the different boxes. With them celebrating 20 years, they will be worth some serious money in a few years.
Is anyone else having a problem getting these? I've been able to nab a few, but they're pretty much gone as soon as they have them. My local card shop has 2 boxes, but they doubled the price of them, which is really lame.
Is anyone else having a problem getting these? I've been able to nab a few, but they're pretty much gone as soon as they have them. My local card shop has 2 boxes, but they doubled the price of them, which is really lame.

Seems people are mass purchasing them. I saw a video of somebody opening 24 boxes on YouTube and also 10 on another video.
I hope not but its looking like it could possibly be this way.

I mean i managed to get the mew box for the regular price £12.99. It is now £27.95 on magic madhouse the site i got it from.

The celebi box has crept up to £16.95. Along with the charizard one going to £24.95. Luckily i manged to get both for £28 including shipping.

The next box jarachi is now out of stock on there. So i've pre orded from another site. I hope this doesnt continue.
Great. First we have amiibo scalpers, now Pokemon? I don't think I'm getting any of these, maybe the Venusaur and Keldeo/Victini. . They are very expensive for 2 packs.
I'm going to buy a few of the different boxes. With them celebrating 20 years, they will be worth some serious money in a few years.
I really doubt they'll be worth that much unless they're unopened. I mean I think back to the Base Set days and how they have no value these days, save for a handful of cards. I don't think investing in the set is smart since at best it'll appreciate by a few bucks.
I honestly hope they give it affordable blister packs, or a booster box of it's own. I don't think they thought about the exchange rates carefully at all. Not only are there unnecessary rares (Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Pinsir, etc.) hogging up the slots, but the price for just obtaining 2 packs can skyrocket depending where you live and that just makes it not worth getting. It's rather unfortunate, some of us were excited for the exclusives in it - but it's not worth throwing all that money at.
Let's see the Generations set is mostly mediocre reprints and EXs randomly placed (Ninetales, Gardevoir, etc.). Secondly the packs at this ratio are around 5-6 dollars making me lose even further interest. However this set is most likely gonna keep itself limited to these boxes. Of course Pokemon just LOVES to change it up and drop some hints whether or not they may do more with what they have however no hints on this set yet. However I really hope Pokemon does something a little I don't know interesting? Perhaps take the second half of the years boxes and make another Generations set with better cards, less reprints, and more playable and nostalgic choices to be in the set thus opening up Generations just a tiny bit. They could also make some Mega Collections for Blastoise, Charizard, and Venusaur towards the end of the year. While they did this all back in 2014 for the Charizards, Venusaur and Blastoise never actually got Mega Collections but Yveltal and Xerneas did. They could use this opportunity to make those two Mega Collections to unlimit the set.

Is anyone else having a problem getting these? I've been able to nab a few, but they're pretty much gone as soon as they have them. My local card shop has 2 boxes, but they doubled the price of them, which is really lame.
Nope. My local Target is completely stocked with these. Why? Since Target is known for having nothing left people look elsewhere. As a result I get all the good stuff to myself. I have had no trouble getting these boxes. I bought the Charizard ex figure box yesterday. Figure looks sick but really? These cards are just HORRIBLE! I'm really only buying these for pins, figures, and promos. After opening just two of those packs I got a Vaporeon ex (the worst ex ever) and I sold the last two packs. There really isn't any trouble getting my hands on these packs or boxes or...any of it while getting a box from BREAKPoint is so hard. How have after a month have I not opened a single pack of BREAKPoint? Everywhere is sold out for those. People in my community know Generations sucks! :p

EDIT: Well now we have seen this little Elite Trainer Box for the set. Not gonna buy it but that just made the set broader. Hoping they release more stuff so that I may get some cool pins, figures, etc. I have to wait until December to get the Meloetta box I actually want. :(
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Venusaur ex and Charizard Ex are from the 20th Anniversary Break Starter pack, but what about Blastoise ex?
What I don't like is that Pokémon knows exactly how many exs go into a box, in the Mew and Celebi boxes you can get no exs, 1 ex, 1 ex in each pack or 2 exs in one pack.

But you can't get more then 2 exs in a box, ie 1 pack with 2 and the other with 1, or both with 2.

However the Charizard Ex box is completely random, meaning you can get anywhere between none and 8 exs in a box, they can even, more likely then not, be duplicates. This is true with regular promo boxes as well. Personally I think at the price they are 12.99 for 2 packs or 24.99 for 4. They could have at least put in one pack with a guaranteed 1 or 2 exs for the figure boxes that is. Because opening a Charizard Ex box, containg a set that you can only get with a bunch of extra promos/figures that raise the prices of the packs, it's kind of pathetic to even release boxes with no exs. It's not like Double Crisis where people were pulling multiple exs in the same blister.

Also take into account the fact that some exs are more common then others. They definitely made the Charizards more rare then the full art Gardevoirs for example.

For some reason I still think of these as promos and therefore I don't see much fun in collecting the set, I'm mostly just collecting the Pokekhun cards and any exs.

I would have loved to have seen some more Base/Jungle/Fossil/Rocket reprints however with original artwork. Also less reprints of cards with the same artwork.
I opened a Charizard EX box yesterday, got 4 EXs from the 4 packs. 1 pack had 2, one pack had none, and the other 2 had 1.
it's only march and we still have until December for plenty more packs and boxes, plus an additional month of so until the back ups sell out. I think dishing out that much for Charizard now is a bit much. You'll have to convince yourself you're skipping out on 6-7 boxes for one card. But then again, value for M.Charizard might go up, I'm seeing him getting play in TCGO