Introduce Yourself!

Hey i am zoura20 i just started collecting Pokemon cards after i stopped back in the Diamond & Pearl
I found about Pokemon beach through YouTube and heard it was an amazing source for the Pokemon TCG
I am extremely interested in soccer which was the main reason why i stopped playing Pokemon but now that I have a job I can afford nice cleats for the soccer season as well as getting into Pokemon again :D
Some of my hobbies are going to play soccer at my high school with my friends and playing a friendly match of Pokemon with my brother
Hi, I am Luuk
18 years old and I joined Pokebeach because I need new friendcodes, want to know the latest details about the new pokemon games or and as, and the most important is that I love pokemon and share that with other people :). I live in Holland and thats it :D
Hello my name is Aaron i am from the US, I came to this sight mostly for the friend safari. My friends dont really play Pokemon so i don't have the chance to play with them. I am 24, just started working on my associates a year ago. I also play League Of Legends and ESO. My favriote pokemon is tyranitar, ive been playing sense red and blue came out in the USA and ive had a copy of at least one of every gen. though x and y i almost didnt play cause the fairy non sense is stupid, i dont understand why they didnt just make steel super effective to dragon, and maybe normal resist it? o well no one asked me anyways.
Hello poke fans! My name is Rsklenar14. I joined this site because I myself am a poke fan and one of my closest friends recommended this site to me. I would like to share my pokemon experiences to all of you! My interests are RPG's, MMO's, and old school games. I play soccer, lacrosse, and I run track. (I know, not video game related). Well that's all I have to tell you about me. I hope to make a lot of friends on this awesome site!
Hello everyone, I'm Christian/c_flame and I found out about PokéBeach while browsing the web :) But the main reason I joined this forum was for the pokemon TCG which I find Very fun and interesting. I do also like playing Video Games aswell. I hope to find many friends in this forum. That's all.
Hello everybody, Jack and Joe here known collaboratively as OmniPoke. Both of us are UK based players in the Masters Division and have been playing competitively for around 6 years, whilst attending events for 4. As a welcoming community we felt that there was no reason not to begin to get known in the community, making some new friends and sharing some ideas and alternative opinions. Feel free to always private message us and hopefully we will see it and reply within a relatively short amount of time. And other than that, see you around on the forums/

~ Jack, OmniPoke
Hello guys, came here from PokeGym as I am trading over there as well. Just gotten back into Pokemon TCG and I am excited o Trade/Talk with everyone!

Thanks, MP Pokemon!
Hey everyone! Also came from the PokeGym, as I was looking for a more expansive forum. I've dabbled in and out of the TCG within the past 5 years and am going to finally get back into the full swing of things! I will be active in the trading forum, among others.
Hi, I`m Andeuph.
I`ve played the video games since red and blue came out.
A friend of mine introduced me to tcg last winter, and got hooked within minutes. We dont have a lot of leagues or tournaments where I live, but I`ve played a lot on PTCGO. I`ve also bought at least one booster display from every TCG series from Plasma Storm to Flash Fire. I`ve been able to build a lot of decks with those cards. Most modified decks except those who needs Tropical Beach.
I joined Pokebeach today, mainly to tell people that Sweden alreday sells Furious Fists Booster Packs/Displays/3-pack Blisters wPromos, which I believe, isnt available anywhere else?
Hi, I'm TheJolteonMaster, and Jolteons are awesome. xD I came here because I got bored with the You-tube comments basically.

I love to play Pokemon Video Games and play competitively in Pokemon battles. My very first Pokemon game was Fire Red and my first Pokemon was a Charmandar, despite this however Charizard is only my second favorite and Jolteon is to me as Pikachu is to Ash. I also love the Anime, both old and new, and I have dabbled in the Nuzlocke challenge.

In edition to being a wanna be Pokemon Master I am also an aspiring Video Game designer and also take great interest in story writing and character design for all kinds of media. I also have an interest in politics and plan on attempting to run for public office, probably non-partisan when I get older. :D I figure my real job will either involve computers or medicine.

In edition to Pokemon I like other rpg games too. But lately all I've had time for is Pokemon.
Hi I'm Nick / KingOfTheRing713
I came here to see if anyone wanted to trade some Pokémon/Mega Stones
I found PokeBeach when looking for things^ to Trade
I like fun video games and have been playing Pokémon since kindergarten
I hope that is enough to make some friends :)
Hello I'm Fredy, my favorite pokemons are charizard and feraligatr.
Now i'm discovering the wonders of wonder trade
Hey y'all!

I got into the TCG again last year after a hiatus from Skyridge - I jumped back in in the NXD-LTR format.

I love collecting the cards, particularly full sets, and I dabble in all sorts of decks. I've recently moved into judging and helping to run events, which I find really fulfilling and fun :)
Hello everyone! My name is TatorGatorBator or Ken for short. I'm 24 years old from the good old state of Pennsylvania. I joined PokéBeach because I'm thinking about entering into some of these image contest. I know I come from a whole different kind of art form (race car paint scheme designs) but i think with the time and dedicate i put into my art work, i could actually pull of some nice drawings of Pokémon or Fakémon. I still have allot to learn about Pokémon. When i was in 4th grade the original's came out, That was 16 years ago! Thing is, though i grew out of it mostly i still really enjoy the Pokémon series. I found Pokébeach on Google when i was looking at Fakémon pictures, quite the find. There is some really impressive artwork here. I hope i can fit right in here, and hopefully learn a thing or two!

Oh and if anyone is interested in seeing my artwork ATM ( ) Im really hoping i can get some time to get some Pokémon artwork done!
Hey everyone just joined for trading purposes but everyone here has been really friendly so far so thanks to all!
Hey there!! I'm Nathabian. I'm a TCG player. I went to Nationals last year after only playing for a few months and got top 128. I play the video games and used to play tournaments a long time ago but not as of recently. My favorite Pokemon is heracross. Yup, that's about it.
Hi there! I'm metaphilia, or Paul! :D I found PokeBeach through a Google search and figured, what the heck, why not sign up?
So here's a little about me:
My first venture into the word of Pokemon was back in 2007 when my parents bought me Pokemon Pearl for Christmas. I'm not sure how old I was, actually. I just know I'm currently fifteen. Anyway, I loved it. My first starter ever was Chimchar, but I restarted before I beat the league because I couldn't get anywhere with a Fire type for whatever reason. (That's changed now.) Sinnoh has always been my favorite region, and probably always will be. I got Platinum not too long ago (It's lost now, as well as my DS Lite and other games, sadly.) While I chose Piplup, Shinx ended up taking over the role of starter Pokemon. After that, my second games were FireRed and LeafGreen. Squirtle was my companion for the LeafGreen, while I went with Charmander in FireRed. After that, I got PMD: Explorers of Darkness and also PMD: Blue Rescue Team. I've played a lot of games. My most recent game is Pokemon X, since I beat the Elite Four a few days ago. I'm as proud of my X team as I was of my team in Platinum. Anyway, more stories later.

I absolutely love drawing, writing, and singing. I'm best at drawing, though. My interests other than Pokemon include creepypasta, Hetalia, the Kirby series, Mario (more recently), and shorter indie games such as OFF, as well as horror games! In any case, I think I've taken up enough space here. Just PM me if you want to talk!
Hello poke fans

I'm here to make friends and complete my pokedex in X. I'm an amateur Pokemon breeder and would love to help you breed an outstanding or superior Pokemon. Also, I have no desire to obtain shiny Pokemon so if I come across one I will let you know and you can have it.

Please add me

FC: 0877-0941-0605