Interesting News conntected to the Hacking....

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Pokemon Rose Scripter
Well, I checked the Game Corner and found out that most of Cute-Mew's Posts were deleted.

Could this happen because that C-M Spammed there???
Wow, that's lucky for me.... I was about to Spam, and I didn't. I still wonder why your number of posts are still the same.
well, those are just the post that happened between the back-up and the hack
BTW, I think they where busy for an hours hacking PB, and we still posted during that time, while WPM already lost control.
Crazy People.... And, sorry for those who got their Posts Deleted. But thanks to you guys....

the hackers had to

FIGHT THE POWER!!! of Pokebeach for messing with us.
*sigh* hackers are boring losers that can't get a girlfriend/boyfriend so they spend their worthless life hacking other ppls thing for the heck of it because they want to ruin other ppl fun because they don't have any.
I hoe this does not happen again.:)
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