Writing Inner Strength written by Colb-a-Nater AWESOMELY AWESOME STORY (im not exaggerating)

Dragon Rider Of PokeBeach

Thread Killer
OK the title mostly says it all. This is a Romantic/Action Story. Here's what he put for the summary (i dont want to give anything away....).
'It's based off the T.V series, Pokemon. It starts off with Ash and the gang trying to find their way to the next town, but then weird stuff happens when they come to a fake town. Before you know it, Ash gets turned into a Pikachu! I love action and twists in books, so I put a cuple in this one. If you like stories that has , action, twists, and romance.'
The author will be here to see comments so don't forget to leave them!
Fanfiction Version
Deviant Art Version The Cover is made by Coshi-Dragonite
Also please leave comments on the websites if possible.
Okay, you said romance, right, and who are the other character, and not to be rude, pick someone OTHER than Ash from your next fan-fic !
I don't really like it. The plot is very good but the writing style seems very immature.