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Standard I Need Help With My Garchomp/Lucario Deck

There is only 2 gabite
And keep both Gabite, a 4-2-4 line with 4 rare candy is about as low as you can go, and the 2-2 Lucario line should work fine, although if you want to play 3-3 you can. Just don't take out the Garchomp lines, maybe take out choice bands or basic fighting energy for them, I reckon you could pull this deck off with just 6 fighting energy.
And keep both Gabite, a 4-2-4 line with 4 rare candy is about as low as you can go, and the 2-2 Lucario line should work fine, although if you want to play 3-3 you can. Just don't take out the Garchomp lines, maybe take out choice bands or basic fighting energy for them, I reckon you could pull this deck off with just 6 fighting energy.
What about this

Pokémon: 18

4 Gible ULP 97
2 Gabite ULP 98
4 Garchomp ULP 99
+1 (3) Riolu ULP 66
+1 (3) Lucario ULP 67
2 Tapu Lele GX GRI 60

Items: 19

4 Ultra Ball
4 Puzzle Of Time
4 Rare Candy
-1 (3) Choice Band
2 Field Blower
2 Pal Pad

Supporters: 12

4 Cynthia
2 N
2 Sycamore
2 Brigette
2 Guzma

Energy: 11

-1 (7) Fighting Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
What about this

Pokémon: 18

4 Gible ULP 97
2 Gabite ULP 98
4 Garchomp ULP 99
+1 (3) Riolu ULP 66
+1 (3) Lucario ULP 67
2 Tapu Lele GX GRI 60

Items: 19

4 Ultra Ball
4 Puzzle Of Time
4 Rare Candy
-1 (3) Choice Band
2 Field Blower
2 Pal Pad

Supporters: 12

4 Cynthia
2 N
2 Sycamore
2 Brigette
2 Guzma

Energy: 11

-1 (7) Fighting Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
Good choices, I would say that is the optimal play for this deck. All that's left to do now is playtest it!