How'd I do?

Mr. Random

Gravitating away from you...
At league, I traded my Heatran Lv. X (non-promo) and Jirachi RR (holo) for...

x2 Roseanne's
x1 Bebe's
x2 Rare Candy
x1 Unown G
I honestly think that's a good trade. If you check online prices, it might differ. Playwise, you did a good trade.
The only downside is (and it's not a big one, either) that the Heatran X was my first and only Lv. X. Good times... *sniff*
Well, the upside of trading a hetran X is that you can always get it in tins. It is still used in some competitive decks, so it should be easy to obtain if you need it.
Everyone was pretty cool about it too, saying I needed the cards more than they did. I like my League. :D
well, I think that was a decent trade...I think you should have been able to get just a lil' more (especially since you can get Rose's from an SV theme deck), but that trade was decent
qnetykz said:
well, I think that was a decent trade...I think you should have been able to get just a lil' more (especially since you can get Rose's from an SV theme deck), but that trade was decent

That is paying 12 dollars for just the two Roseanne's. The Heatran can be purchased from a tin for 15 dollars. Now, add in the 6 to 8 dollar rare candies, the 2-3 dollar Bebe's, and the 3 dollar Unown G and you have quite a deal.