Collecting "How Much is This Card Worth?" / "Is This a Good Trade?"

VictiniLover said:
Mates, been wondering how would you grade this? Although it looks near-mint, it actually has one bloody cut on it (received it like this :mad: ). How much could I get for it in this state?






VictiniLover said:
VictiniLover said:
Mates, been wondering how would you grade this? Although it looks near-mint, it actually has one bloody cut on it (received it like this :mad: ). How much could I get for it in this state?







I'd say in the condition its in to the right person, I would say you could get 25-30 dollers, because thats a really collectible card and some person would really love to have that. The card would be worth like $60 if it was in mint condition, but since its not it will be worth about half as much. Hope I helped you out :)
hammer time! said:
ahg3117 said:
How much are these cards worth? And I mean what i can potentially sell them for:
Lugia FA $30-45
Lugia Normal 20- 30
Colress FA 20-30
Articuno FA 20-25
Articuno Normal 15
Cobalion Normal EX 20 just cobalion 2
Black Kyurem 10
Crystal Edge 3

Values in colors.

Thanks a lot! Are there any places to sell them other than e bay?
Ebay is the best but there is.

A local card shop
You can also trade them on pokebeach by making your own trade thread, some of those i am actually very interested in trading you for lol.
Haha honestly I'm interested in cash cause I love getting booster boxes from new sets and I try to not spend too much money on cards. Is oak reliable? I know they take less but how reliable is it?

Also do you think Lugia's price will go up with Plasma Freeze?
VictiniLover said:
VictiniLover said:
Mates, been wondering how would you grade this? Although it looks near-mint, it actually has one bloody cut on it (received it like this :mad: ). How much could I get for it in this state?







It would get like a 4. Normally people will buy cards around half price like stated above if there are just scratches, edge wear, or creases but the card is still in tact. However, a cut in the card seriously decreases the value. I would value it no more than $20, but probably around $15.
ahg3117 said:
Haha honestly I'm interested in cash cause I love getting booster boxes from new sets and I try to not spend too much money on cards. Is oak reliable? I know they take less but how reliable is it?

Also do you think Lugia's price will go up with Plasma Freeze?

I don't know about oak, haven't used it. I am 99% sure lugia will go up in plasma freeze.
DrunkSpinda said:
You should keep Lugia EX, it's gonna be heavily played when Freeze comes out
Seconded, who knows it might be worth the same as full art mewtwo was when it first came out.
I got a FA one from the Elite Box yesterday and only traded it away with my best friend because it was a pretty darn good trade
Alright I have a misspelled Lucario card under its Focus blast ability, Where it SHOULD say "This attack does 30 damage to that Pokemon." Mine says "This ATAACK does 30 damage to that Pokemon", With a misspelled ATTACK on it, is this worth anything? Looked all over and nothing. Also has one under Spike Lariat says "If the Defending Pokemon already has any damage counters on it,this attack does 60..." and there is no space between it,this I'm not very good with grammar, so should it be it, this or it,this. sorry if it doesnt make sense. Thank you,
yea sure hold on

Sorry, but is there anyway to take pictures through web cam? or somthing dont really know how to get a picture

hahaha nvm, I got the pics give me a sec to upload,ZZB9QbX,88tvPmq,MqVpA7z,O2dw99f,UMUVorZ,h3RnauM,K9chFox,lgNKlpB#1

theducktamer said:
Do you have a picture? Sounds like a possible fake card.,ZZB9QbX,88tvPmq,MqVpA7z,O2dw99f,UMUVorZ,h3RnauM,K9chFox,lgNKlpB#1

Please excuse me if I am spamming up the place XD
There was no cut on it just a little bent, and what do you mean bloated energy symbol?

I also have a Larvitar thats symbol on the attack is to high, If you want to see that.
Thats a fake brah. Sorry, I dealt with fakes when I traded at school, I swear, it was like a fake card heaven, and with my expierence, it is a total fake.
Dang, What about the Larvitar?

Salamencetrainer34 said:
Thats a fake brah. Sorry, I dealt with fakes when I traded at school, I swear, it was like a fake card heaven, and with my expierence, it is a total fake.,7HffD9n,Fkz4l4U#1 Is the other card I was talking about