How have YOU changed as a member?

I used to be a bit of a jerk. I always thoght I was better than most people. I've changed since then a lot. Now I'm just the adverage member.
Over the past, well two months, I have grown not only has a member, but as a person, albeit I have only been here since May. I have been following this website since 2005/2006, when Nintendo/CoroCoro were first releasing Pokemon like Lucario and Weavile. Since then I have been actively lurking throughout the forum, and it wasn't until May I got an account. So I guess by reading everyone's posts and threads I already had an idea of how things work around Pokebeach. And despite it's only been two months since I joined- I have matured in some way. I mean- I look at my username and shake my head in disapointment nearly every day ;P
I haven't changed at all here, probably because my experience hasn't lasted very long yet.