How do you make a rotator?

You don't need to register. Just make a random account name and password. Then away you go. ^_^
Okay, since this is the third time this has been asked...

Whenever you (anyone) see a rotating image and ask yourself, "What are they using to do that?", right-click it, go to Properties, and then in the URL section, it'll state the host site that does the rotator. Another one is:
Randomsig didn't work for me. They never sent me a confimation email! I even double checked to make sure it was right. The host said to email him about it, which I did, but he never emailed me back. For your sig, use what Mudkip gave you. They work great.
Okay, looks like I'll go request some stuff in the mart now!

*Mr. Random runs to the Celadon Mart