XY How could Pokémon X & Y use the 3DS features?


Aspiring Trainer
I am really curious how Pokémon X & Y will use the 3DS features.

I had a couple of thoughts:

Step counter
  • Steps taken in real life help to hatch eggs
  • 3DS Coins (from walking) can be used to buy special items

The psuedo realistic backgrounds make me wonder if we could take a picture of buildings that could appear in game. There is lots of software around that 'cartoonizes' real pictures so we could take a picture of our own homes and have them show up in game.

The mall in BW2 is a great step towards having friends show up in game. I'd love to see this expanded to the wider game world and that I don't have to manually connect to the DreamWorld to get visits from friends.

What ideas do you have?
I like the idea you've got of real life walking helping to hatch Eggs. It would encourage children to walk more and maybe they could have a system where it takes much more in-game steps to hatch an Egg whereas it takes quicker to hatch the Egg if the player is actually walking.

If the trainers can be customized, maybe we could use the 3DS camera to take a picture of our faces and then they can make the trainer's faces similar to ours, and then we can customize clothing..? Just an idea I thought of.
I'm just excited I can finally set an actual Pokémon game as a favorite on the 3DS..
and StreetPass of course.. Perhaps they'll work with the BattleBox and trade ghost data by StreetPass
Streetpass could probably be used for a Trainer House like place.

Also, I'm really hoping that this game will have actual DLC.
Paddy185 said:
I like the idea you've got of real life walking helping to hatch Eggs. It would encourage children to walk more and maybe they could have a system where it takes much more in-game steps to hatch an Egg whereas it takes quicker to hatch the Egg if the player is actually walking.
Just as long as they keep the option to actually do it without the actual walking, then it's cool.
It does sounds nice but such a thing will probably be used only once or twice by most players.

I just hope they'll keep a focus on online features. And of course, Streetpass was built for Pokémon. Gifts, trades, surveys or even trainer ID cards can make an easy use out of SP.

I can see the gyrascope being used for fishing by making a similar move to reeling in. That would surely make it less boring ^_^
I'm sure they'll come up with something creative for the use of an key item of some sort making use of a combination of the gyrascope and touch screen.
I'd like if they used streetpass to resurrect the function of the Poke-walker from HG and SS. Checking on my Pokemon at the end of the day to see what I got was always a nice treat, and now link ups could be quick and automatic thanks to streetpass.

More online connectivity please. Perhaps an in game area where you can interact with other players?
Stuff like StreetPass and 3D will be some of the obvious advantages X and Y will have.

I don't like the idea of DLC you'd have to pay for, but it's a possibility. Hopefully it would just be customization options and nothing that would give players who paid for DLC and advantage over those who didn't.
If anything, I'd like to see DLC in the form of new areas to explore. Say for example there was one special harbor in the game from which you could access all new DLC areas as islands.
ShadowLugia said:
I don't like the idea of DLC you'd have to pay for, but it's a possibility. Hopefully it would just be customization options and nothing that would give players who paid for DLC and advantage over those who didn't.

I think it'd be well worth it, actually. Think about it, you could pay like $5 or something and get a bunch of new areas (maybe about the size of Sinnoh's Battle Zone) that include National Dex Pokemon not seen anywhere else in the game, a mini storyline, and maybe some new features. The only issue is that they'd need to spread it out, certainly if it's Day 1 DLC or something, that'd be really stupid, but if it were something they'd release for the game, say, a year or so after release, then it'd be worth getting and could really extend the life of these games.
The only issue is that they'd need to spread it out, certainly if it's Day 1 DLC or something, that'd be really stupid, but if it were something they'd release for the game, say, a year or so after release, then it'd be worth getting and could really extend the life of these games.
Don't worry about day 1 DLC. It's what the team does between the time of the game being done, and the actual release date, which is a good few month's time. No development time or effort is being lost. I do agree though that it would be more gratifying if it came out over time, like 1 area every 2 or 3 months.

I'd also like to see more in game events for things like special or legendary pokemon. For example, a wifi event that triggers a special Dragonite boss to appear in a previously visited area. Even if it is un-catchable, defeating it may give you a special prize or access to Dratinis with extreme speed.
A measured approach to DLC would be the best option, and it would need to provide way more than something like an event Pokemon would provide in terms of extra content/gameplay. I just hope that either way, Nintendo is smart with the franchise. Having DLC announced within the first month, or having not enough content for the amount of money you pay would seriously make me reconsider buying more games in the future.

Or perhaps I'm just being paranoid. Mass Effect 3 and Street Fighter X Tekken have taught me to cringe at the mentioning of downloadable content.
Teal said:
Masuda has said that he is against the concept of paid DLC

That doesn't mean no DLC, though. They could do free DLC.

I think at the very least, they should use DLC to enhance in game events. Instead of having tiny islands in the middle of nowhere with nothing else of interest there, make it at least a full dungeon.
chaoswr said:
If anything, I'd like to see DLC in the form of new areas to explore. Say for example there was one special harbor in the game from which you could access all new DLC areas as islands.

In other words, Vermilion Harbor. :p
Streetpass, Spotpass, and the dream of using your Mii as your Trainer. Is there anyone else who thinks that would be a cool idea?
Pokeplayer44 said:
Streetpass, Spotpass, and the dream of using your Mii as your Trainer. Is there anyone else who thinks that would be a cool idea?

The option of anything is always nice, and that would be cool.
But i definitely wouldn't use it because it'd detract from the pokemon feel for me :/
chaoswr said:
If anything, I'd like to see DLC in the form of new areas to explore. Say for example there was one special harbor in the game from which you could access all new DLC areas as islands.

Taking that idea a little further, what if they allowed you to explore old regions as DLC? Also they could have it in the idea as playing a new pokemon game as well so it would feel like a remake, by making you deposit all your current party members in the box before you leave to the old region of choice, then you would start in the old regions starting town, give you a level 5 starter based on the region, have you go get the 8 badges and battle their elite 4, and then basically you would be playing a remake. Also if there is customizable trainers, purchasing the old region DLC would also give you the ability to customize your player as the old trainer of the old region. There would be no need for remakes then. Just think, going back to Johto in 3D for only 10$!(seems reasonable)

I also had another idea with Streetpass in another thread, so here it is:

pokemaister899 said:
Maybe Streetpass will be used for things like battles. For example, if you streetpass with another person there could be a place you go to battle a CPU using team they had.(kind of like Join Avenue but for battling?)