Ruling Holon Farmer

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Aspiring Trainer
What is the current ruling of this: After you discard another card in your hand, you may search up to 3 Basic Energy cards and up to 3 Basic or Evolution Pokémon cards, put it on top of your deck and shuffle it. Can you get back the card you discarded before if it was a Pokémon or a Basic Energy card?

yes you can.

Team Compendium said:
== HOLON FARMER (EX:Delta Species)

Q. When you discard a card to play Holon Farmer, can you recover that discarded card into your deck?
A. Yes, you can. (Dec 8, 2005 PUI Rules Team)
RE:  Holon Farmer

Team Compendium said:
== HOLON FARMER (EX:Delta Species)

Q. When you discard a card to play Holon Farmer, can you recover that discarded card into your deck?
A. Yes, you can. (Dec 8, 2005 PUI Rules Team)

But in the first place why do u want to do that?
Because for Holon Farmer to work, you MUST have 3 pokemon AND 3 basic energy in the discard pile otherwise you cannot use it. So the player may have to discard a pokemon or energy to recover all 6 cards otherwise they cant use it.
RE:  Holon Farmer

If you had only 3 Basic Energy and 2 Pokémon cards or 2 Basic Energy cards and 3 Pokémon cards in your discard and you use Holon Farmer to retrieve them, then you do it for what you have in the discard. This was a ruling from a situation that came up in a recent City Championship in my area.
Like I said before, Farmer can ONLY work if there are 3 basic energy/pokemon in the discard pile. Since you are forced to discard 1 card from your hand to use Holon Farmer, and it is a basic energy or pokemon, then Yes you can retrieve it using Farmer providing you have 3 basic energy and 3 pokemon. If you do not have 3 basic energy and 3 pokemon then you Cant use Farmer, that is how it is worded.

I'm unsure about that ruling. Having to have 3 basic energy/Pokemon in the discard to be able to use farmer.

I know a lot of cards can be used even if there are less things to grab from the discard/hand/wherever. I think Electrode ex's Extra Energy Bomb is a good example.

TC said:
Q. What happens if you try to use Electrode-EX's "Extra Energy Bomb" and you have less than 5 energy cards in your discard pile?
A. If you have five, you must take five. If you have less than five, you must take whatever you have. It does not say "up to 5" on the card. (Oct 28, 2004 PUI Rules Team)

I think the general rule is that you can play the card if you dont have enough, however, you must take all that you can. In fact, tooking at the Compendium, there is already a ruling for Holon Farmer =P

TC said:
Q. Can I use Holon Farmer if I don't have 3 Basic Energy and 3 Pokemon in the discard pile? For example, let's say I only have 2 Basic Energy in the discard pile...
A. If you do not have enough cards to meet the requirement, you must choose as many as you can up to three. But if you do have three or more, then you must choose three of them. (Dec 8, 2005 PUI Rules Team)

My bad, didnt see it first off.

Yeh, scrap what I said before. I had another Professor confirm it for me. The way they worded it got me a little confused, but yes PUI is correct.
wait wait... I'm confuse here...
so, we can use it even there are only 1-2 cards?
umm...what is PUI?
I can't believe you didn't even bother reading the rules.

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