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Standard Greninja GX/Glaceon GX Deck

I have been running this deck lately. Here are my counts;


I think it's pretty essential to get Glaceon out on T1 every game. The essence of the deck is to lock down Lele support of your opponent and make them struggle to set up. Hence I have higher counts than you of Float Stone, [W] Energy, Energy Loto, Nest Ball and Lillie. I like the idea of Splash Energy, but this won't find you a T1 Glaceon when you need it.

I am also curious why your Sycamore line is so thin when you are actively trying to get [W] into the discard to use with Aqua Patch.

So I built and played this deck last night on TCG Online. I was shocked how well it can play. won 8/10 games last night, 7 in a row.... Yog, Well done!

I did make a tweek to it, I dropped an Ultra Ball and added an extra Cynthia. I only ever play with 3 Ultra balls and the added supporter is a boost. Wolfshadow, I would look into this. I'm gonna play it at a Standard tourney thursday night and see how well it will do but I like it already. Does take some skill though as you do need to plan ahead and adjust as you play but I've played Distrupt Sylveon and Marshadow Fight Clubs before so I know how to plan 1-2 turns ahead.

the only issue i see with this deck is there is no basic attacker. If we run into an anti-ex/gx deck (Hoopa/Alolan Ninetails Barrier) the only other attacker we could use is volcanion... other thought is you could drop the zoroark chain and replace with Octilary line but then you lose an attacker.... food for thought...

Overall, I like it!
It's Volcanion & Ninja snipes in that situation. Not ideal, but I don't see em too often. If you are actually focused on getting Volc up and charged you can usually do that. It's the lack of being able to do that twice is what can kill you :p

Instruct Oranguru is probably the best addition to answer this deck. The extra draw power is nice, although the reduced bench space and odds of starting Eevee - not so much.
Other options might be Keldeo SLG who can also help out the lack of a second stretcher, or even the new Regice from Celestial Storm just because its new.

Let us know how the tourney goes.
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It's Volcanion & Ninja snipes in that situation. Not ideal, but I don't see em too often. If you are actually focused on getting Volc up and charged you can usually do that. It's the lack of being able to do that twice is what can kill you :p

Instruct Oranguru is probably the best addition to answer this deck. The extra draw power is nice, although the reduced bench space and odds of starting Eevee - not so much.
Other options might be Keldeo SLG who can also help out the lack of a second stretcher, or even the new Regice from Celestial Storm just because its new.

Let us know how the tourney goes.
Hey Yog. So I've had this new idea of a deck very similar to this one. Almost the same but it adds in Zoroark GX. I'm gonna make a new thread with it. Could u gimmie some tips on it? Here's the thread link- http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/threads/greninja-glaceon-zoroark.147938/
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