Google Doodle Celebrating Robert Moog's 76 Birthday


Yes, sir. Of course, sir.
Advanced Member
Google, being the nifty ruler of a good portion of the internetz, has decided to celebrate the father of the modern synthesizer by having the doodle be one. Due to the short time interval to record these things, the incessantly horrible recording lag, and the awkwardness of playing such small keys, my frustration allowed me only about two hundred times to get these sub-par results. Feel free to improve on them:

The first note might be missing for you. If so, just stop the playing and press play again. The notes should come up.

Kanto Bike Theme
Part One:
Part Two (Short recording interval forces an unsteady tempo here):

Johto Bike Theme (Transposed from G Major to F Major)
Part One (I barely made this in the time frame, and a few notes were lost in the process):
Part Two (Played an octave lower with just as bad tempo):

Yeah, I suck at computer keyboards. Go figure.
Enjoy the Google Doodle of the Day! |D
Thank you! :3
The doodle is still available for use, if you don't know.