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Standard Golurk / Eeveelutions


Aspiring Trainer
Hey guys, I decided based on how many people in my local meta are going for Vespiquen to go for Golurk, the reason being I can OHKO them even for just my basic attack, but they have to get a good start as they cannot hit me for weakness at all. Also I am predicting quite a few Ray decks and probably a couple of vileplume/Giritina decks which is actually a good match up on paper as I can THKO Giritina with little effort. Might struggle against toad.

  • 4 Gollet
  • 4 Golurk (Ancient Trait)
  • 4 Eevee
  • 2 Jolteon
  • 2 Flareon
  • 1 Vaporeon
  • 2 Hawlucha (Shining Spirit)
  • 1 Shaymin EX
  • 4 Professor Sycamore
  • 1 Professor Birch's Observations
  • 1 Shauna
  • 1 Ace Trainer
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 3 Focus Sash
  • 4 Level Ball
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 4 VS Seeker
  • 2 Switch
  • 4 Dimension Valley
  • 4 DCE
  • 4 Strong Energy
  • 3 Fighting Energy

Ok, so a fairly basic list, and needs some work definitely. The trainers definitely need work.

Things I am considering, Wobuffet instead of Vaporeon. Maybe some super scoop ups?

The idea is to just be able to OHKO or THKO anything in the game, because Golurk before weakness is doing 120 damage (not counting strong energy) he can use focus sash to shrug off retaliatory OHKOs and get the THKO the next turn. Also because of his ability he makes the perfect focus sash partner as Bats cannot hurt him.

The thing with Golurk is his attack is capable of THKO anything, and with weakness OHKO anything. So he doesn't need fighting stadium or muscle band.

Sadly Korina won't work in this deck because he is only fighting when in play.

I'm kinda wondering if you need strong energy at all, because Hex Maniac will kill off any strong energy on him.
The deck itself is kinda slow if using a standard energy line up. You should use fire energy and blacksmith with 4 dce. Maybe 2 strong energy max if you really want to use it. I don't suggest it
That seems so convoluted through, I mean you need to get flareon out for a starters, which means the quickest you will be able to BS is turn two, but you can easily just drop a DCE on turn one or two and a single energy on the other turn one or two and be powered up in the same turn as long as you have a dimension valley down. A stage 1, two manual energy drops (one being DCE) and a stadium is much easier to pull off than two stage ones, a DCE, two fire energy in the graveyard and a supporter.

Don't be giving me that fire energy rubbish, there is no reason to try and put such a weird set up in this deck. Just no reason. It can't be consistent. In play testing I can get a turn two Superpower probably 2/3 times with the dimension valley set up, you just need to pull a DCE and dimension valley in the first two turns, that's almost a guarantee as you are very likely to be able to throw down at least one shaymin and two draw supporters. Or even if you pull the double DCE, you can rock it.

Turn two seems to be considered slow now a days, but heres the thing, unless you have evolution acceleration (ray or GPF) then a reasonably reliable turn two 120/240 damage seems pretty respectable to me.

So unless everybody gives up and tries for turn one vespiquens then some decks are gonna have to be "slow"

I'm thinking of maybe a wobbefett in case you need to stall, and maybe a tech bunnelby for resource regeneration.
Fire energy is not bad. Sure turn 1 is not possible. But late game you can drop a dce and a blacksmith to power up in 1 turn. Which is important since this deck is so slow. Plus you can get eevee and drop a fire to energy evolution.

If not ur looking at earliest turn 2 attack anyway. 2 dce or dce and 1 energy plus dvalley. And every go lurk after is at least 2 turns to charge. Unlike with black smith. It can be ready in 1 turn.
I've been playing with this deck myself and I am having a blast with it. In fact I'll share the list that has been working pretty well for me.

4 Golett AOR34
4 Golurk AOR35
4 Eevee AOR63
2 Flareon AOR13
1 Vaporeon AOR22
1 Jolteon AOR26
1 Shaymin-EX ROS106
1 Feebas FLF22
1 Milotic FLF23

4 Professor Sycamore
3 Shauna
1 AZ
1 Ace Trainer
1 Lysandre
4 VS Seeker
3 Ultra Ball
3 Level Ball
3 Dimension Valley
1 Sacred Ash
1 Trainer's Mail
1 Battler Compressor
3 Muscle Band

4 Fire Energy
3 Water Energy
1 Lightning Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy

I've actually been surprisingly consistent with version of the deck. The Energy Grace Milotic gives a nice acceleration for Golurk when Dimension Valley is in play, but also an excuse to use Ace Trainer while I set up. As you may notice this list is meant for the XY-onward format. I've been getting myself into that new standard since it's right around the corner. But even without nice stuff like Computer Search and Colress this deck functions just nicely. The Muscle Bands may make things a bit overkill when I hit for weakness; but no kill like overkill I say.