
Hey, I kinda like the Spinda idea....except for the fact that it doesn't get Energy. Smeargle gets the Energy fast, and I can go from there. Aerodactyl HP needs time, and i can't rely on him and CC's flyin' around everywhere. I also do not have Togekiss. :(
mega potato said:
play a tech garchomp lvx.
it will get the others out quick as lightning

Um garchomp lv. x hasn't come out yet although if it comes out in P7 then it can be used for regionals.

Also when I made my chomp deck I played both spinda and smeargle as a starter. I played 2 spinda and 2 smeargle.
2 Spinda and 2 Smeargle? How'd that work out? I think that Spinda is a nice starter, but the thing is that you need Energy for it. I like Smeargle because it can not only get 3 Energy you need, you can also copy an opponent's attack on a heads with Trace. How is that not uber?
well you could use roseanna's research, energy search , mr stones and more to get the right energys but the problem would be going first.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I'm thinking of going 3 Smeargle 1 Pachirisu. Pachirisu isn't bad, and Smeargle get's me the Energy for free.