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Standard Future: Primal Kyogre EX

I've been working on a standard deck list.

The objective for a Kyogre deck is really quite simple. Kyogre needs an energy and spirit link on first turn. If the whale does not receive that, the deck gets isolated quickly. With Max Elixer, the deck runs better. If Kyogre isn't charged by third round, and is not in the active position, the deck becomes susceptible to Lysander. If energy is spread out anywhere on the board for free retreat during the three rounds, Kyogre becomes a tough play, even at 240 hp.

Been deck testing for a while a now. The best way to accomplish first round is through hoopa, and or dive balls. Octillary appears to be reasonable play, but Shaymin speeds the potential of first turn energy and spirit link attachment up. If Kyogre gets the necessary setup, and is attacking on 2nd or third round it can run away with the win. Articuno AT helps with prize exchanges.

In this kind of deck PFC is a big help. With Pokemon Fan Club, the deck is able to draw Hoopa. Hoopa enhances first turn setup.
The biggest issue with the deck is having a decent blocker on first turn. Whalelord was good because of the massive hit points. With Vespquen in the mix, Whalelord is tough. Instead, I run Articuno AT to sit out there. If all goes array the deck can try and sleep the opponent, if the deck gets smacked for something big, I play a prize card behind . It's better than playing two prize cards behind. Super Rod to get cards back..
I think one decidedly one sided match will be posted on youtube.com eventually. The channel is shiftmetagame. They post a lot of Vanguard and YuGiOh I believe and are just starting to post Pokemon content.
That's like a lot of energy acceleration by attack decks, M Man has to be attacking turn 2 to make it worthwhile, whiff on the spirit link and you're in trouble. Max Elixir can help?