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Standard Future: M Audino EX / Altaria


Pokemon Video And Card Game Player
Pokemon (13)
  • 3 Audino EX Fates Collide
  • 3 M Audino EX Fates Collide
  • 2 Swablu Roaring Skies
  • 2 Altaria Roaring Skies (Delta Trait)
  • 2 Shaymin EX Roaring Skies
  • 1 Hoopa EX (BSP From Tin) or Ancient Origins
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums (37)
  • 4 VS Seeker
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 2 N
  • 3 Mega Turbo
  • 1 Professor's Letter
  • 3 Audino Spirit Link
  • 2 Battle Compressor
  • 1 Hex Maniac
  • 1 Lysandre
  • 2 Parallel City
  • 1 Skyfield
  • 2 Delinquent
  • 4 Professor Sycamore
  • 3 Winona
  • 2 Giovani's Scheme
  • 1 AZ
Energy (10)
  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
  • 6 Fighting Energy

The Strategy To this deck is to use Mega Audino's Attack for 110 + 20 With Scheme, and Bench Snipe for 50. And Audino should be able to attack by turn 2 Via DCE and Psychic using Mega Turbo, Hoopa and Shaymin are Staples For Draw power and Hoops to grab Audino,Mega Audino's or Shaymins. altaria is for Getting rid of Fighting Weaking to Decks such as Zygarde(Future), Lucario, Etc. Sky Field is their to use Shaymin/Hoopa without taking up much bench room and to Power Audino's do the Wave. Please Any Suggestions would be appreciated, Thanks for reading.
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I would replace the 2 Shauna and 4 Level Ball with 2 N, 3 Winona, and 1 AZ. Winona would work great here so you can quickly get out Altaria and even extra Normals in your deck. N is a great Hand disrupter and can net 6 cards early on, but that's just my personal preference over Shauna. AZ can be helpful in several switch-in emergencies.

Another idea is to switch the Psychic Energy out for Fire/Fighting energy. That way, you can take advantage of your opponent's Scorched Earth. The other option (perhaps better) is Water Energy, and then add 1 Manaphy-EX so your Heavy Audinos can have free retreat. If you do add that, removing 1 of the delinquents wouldn't hurt your deck too much.
So your Saying
-2 Shauna
-4 Level Ball
-6 Psychic Energy
And Adding
+ 3 Winona
+1 AZ
+ 2 N
+6 Fire/Fighting Energy?

Thanks for the suggestion do you think i should add Float Stone or Tool Retrieval because im thinking about adding Retrieval because it could remove ASL for Muscles bands or float stone
I'm not sure tool retriever/another tool would help much in this deck, as I find that executing the tool switching strategy difficult to do. However, as I pointed out, for retreating you can try to add Manaphy-EX, which allows for free retreat. If you did that, you'd run Water Energy instead as part of that strategy.

The other option is to run Fairy Garden for retreating, and use Fairy Energy for that option. Somewhat reliant on controlling the Stadium, but it could work, too. Just try out something for retreat that you're most comfortable with.
The other option is to run Fairy Garden for retreating, and use Fairy Energy for that option. Somewhat reliant on controlling the Stadium, but it could work, too. Just try out something for retreat that you're most comfortable with.

I think that's the better option as you're not putting a liability (Manaphy-EX) on the bench. Plus, you could make use of Fairy Drop should you find space for it.

It's just so unfortunate that M Audino-EX's attack isn't [C][C] - the deck would be a lot more viable if it were.
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