Free entry card contest

Skarmory ex type steel.
*If Pokemon-ex is defeated your opponent takes 2 prize cards*

[M][M] Steel Wing If the defending pokemon has a resistance to [M] this Attack does 40 plus 50 damge(after Weakness and resistance numbers. 40
[M][M][C] Target attack Choose one of your opponents pokemon this attack does 70 damage To that Pokemon.

Retreat cost:
Steelix ex/Stage 1 [Evolves from Onix] - (M)

Poké-Body: Poison Resistance

Steelix ex can't be poisoned.

(M)(*)(*) Iron Tail -__________- 50
During your opponent's next turn, all damage done to Steelix ex by attacks is reduced by 20.
(F)(F)(M)(*)(*) Ultra Heavy Impact -_________- 130
Discard 2 energy cards attached to Steelix ex. Then, search your discard pile for another energy card and attach it to Steelix ex.

Weakness (R, [color=brown[/color])
Resistance (G, L)
Retreat Cost (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)
60HP (M)

(C) Star search
search your deck or discard pile for a Pokémon*, shuffle your deck, if you couldn't find a Pokémon*, look at your prize card, if there's Pokémon* in your prize card, put it in your hand and place the top card with your prize cards.

(M)(M) Metallic Psywave
Put 2 damage counters on each of your opponent's Pokémon.

weakness (R)
resistance (G)
retreat cost (C)
okay here we go.

Metagross EX
150 HP (Metal)

Pokebody - Steel Covering
Any damage done to Metagross EX by an Opponent's Pokemon EX is reduced by 40.

MC - Metal Blow 40
Flip a coin. If heads the Defending Pokemon is Paralyzed. If tails the Defending Pokemon is Confused.

MMMC - Metallic Destruction 130
Metagross EX can not use Metallic Destruction next turn.

Weakness: Fire and Fighting Resistance: Grass and Lightning
Retreat Cost: CCCC

hope ya like it :D.

Arcanine out.
Dragonite ex d (150 HP, Metal)

Poke-Power: Metal Radiation:
Once during you turn, if Dragonite ex is your Active Pokemon, you may search your discard pile for an (M) Energy. This power can't be used if Dragonite ex is affected by a Special Condition.

(M)(C)(C) Iron Tail 50

(M)(M)(C)(C) Crash 120
Place 3 damage counters on Dragonite ex.

Weakness: (C)
Resistance: (R)(W)
Retreat Cost: (C)(C)
Arcanine274 is the winner your second challenge is to make a starter ex
Like sceptile ex or feraligator ex.
Typlosion ex
160HP (R)

(Poké-BODY) Flame Burst
If Full Flame is in play, all of Typlosion ex' attacks do 20 more damage

(R) Char Strike
Put a Char Counter on one of your opponent's pokémon that doesn't already have a Char Counter on it. A Char counter requires your opponent to flip a coin after every turn. If tails, put 2 damage counters on the Pokémon with that Char counter. (Char counters stay on the Pokémon as long as it’s in play.)

(R)(R)(C) Lava Flow 80

weakness (W)(F)
retreat cost (C)(C)
Can i enter?

heres mine:

Feraligatr ex d 160HP( F )

(Poke-Body) Jaw Muscles
When you attach an energy from your hand to Feraligatr ex, Feraligatr ex's Titan Crush does 10 more damge to the Defending Pokemon. When you remove an Energy from Feraligatr ex, Feraligatr ex's Titan Crush does 10 damage less to the oppenent's pokemon.

( F )( C ) Fuel Charge 30
Count the number of Pokemon in play with "d" on them. Search your deck for an amount of baisic energies equal to the amount of Pokemon with "d" on and attach them to Feraligatr ex.

( F )( C )( C )( C )  Titan Crush  80
Flip a coin.If heads discard an energy attached to the Defending Pokemon. If tails, Discard an energy attached to Feraligatr ex & the Defending Pokemon is now burned.

Weakness: ( G )( L )
Retreat Cost: ( C )( C )

Raichu ex/Stage [Evolves from Pikachu] - (L)

Poké-Body: Unstable Aura

As long as Raichu ex is in play, whenever your opponent plays an Evolution card from his or
her hand to evolve 1 of his or her Pokémon in play, put 2 damage counters on that Pokémon.
You can't use more than 1 Unstable Aura Poké-Body per turn.

(L)(L)(*) Thunder Stroke -__________- 60+
You may discard any number of (L) energies attached to Raichu ex. If you do, this attack does
60 damage plus 20 more damage for each energy you discarded.

Weakness (F)
Resistance (M)
Retreat Cost (*)
Swampert ex d (160 HP, Lightning)

Poke-Body: Reactive Charge
As long as Swampert ex has a React Energy card attached to it, Swampert ex has +20 HP.

(L)(L)(C) Thunder Strike 80

Weakness: (G)
Resistance: (L)
Retreat Cost: (C)(C)(C)
RE:   Free entry card contest

Lord9511 said:
Raichu ex
pikachu isn't really a starter, well, you can get it on yellow and Oak had one in his lab, but it's not really a starter, they just added him because they wanted ash to have one
1) can't get it on r, b, fr or lg
2) wasn't on the TV-screen at the 1st episode, where Oak was talking about the starters
3) doesn't fit in the circle
4) all the others regions have 3
soz for my entry for being late!
So I'll make 2 of them!
Suicune (delta) 90HP
[C][C]Gust       30

[M][C]Iron Tail           20x
Flip a coin until u get tails. This attack dose 20 damage times the number of heads.
(Weakness): Grass
(Retreat): [C][C]
Round 2:
(Gary had one....which evloved in to an UMBREON, May also has it & u get it in XD)
Eevee (delta)  50HP
[C]Scratch        20
[Fighting]Mud Slap     20
(Weakness): Fighting
(Resistance): Dark/ness
(Retreat): [C]
okay here ya go! (ps yeah i won!:D)

Sceptile EX
140 HP (Grass)

Pokepower - Wild Growth
Once during your turn you may select one of your Basic or Stage 2 Pokemon. Search your deck for a card that evolves from that Pokemon and put it in your hand. Only 1 Wild Growth Pokepower may be used per turn. This Pokepower can't be used if Sceptile EX is affected by a Special Condition.

GC - Poison Burst 40
The Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned.

GGGC - Solarbeam 90
Flip a coin. If heads Sceptile EX may remove 2 damage counters from one of your Benched Pokemon (1 if there is only 1). If tails, you may not use Solarbeam next turn.

Weakness: Psychic
Resistance: Water
Retreat Cost: CC

hope ya like it.

Arcanine out.
Cute Mew is the winner

I am adding up points the person at the end of 8 rounds with the most points will recieve 3 booster packs of your choice so far here are the points

Arcanine 274
16 points

Cute Mew
14 points

crazy weaville
11 points

Lord 9511
10 points

9 points

psyblazer ex
6 points

light venusaur
5 points

your next challenge is to make a legendary ex pokemon it can be a delta type pokemon.
Here's mine!
(I know that TA didn't have there own I gave them one!)


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