For bullet4444: Seperated by ShadowSong (Espeon and Growlithe)


Never giving up
Okay bullet4444, you aked for it, now here's your story. About an Espeon and Growlithe. Anyone else who reads this, tell me what you think. Thanks.

     Seperated by ShadowSong

     Espeon lay in a large rectangular room, listening to the beeping of gadgets and conversation of people, gradually drifting off into a gentle slumber. She was assigned to work with the military ages ago and has been here ever since. Her job was to help Pokemon and humans in danger. Sounded more like police work, but she was in a special force for retired war Pokemon. Espeon tried to stay awake, but the soft voice of sleep whispered in her ears, and put her into a trance. No longer able to stay awake, Espeon’s large violet eyes flickered and sealed shut. Imprisoned in the fantasy of dreams, Espeon allowed herself to be swallowed up by the memories she conjured and believed them to be real. Espeon’s memories dragged her to before she was chosen to go to war with the humans, back then she was taken care of in a shelter along with other Pokemon. Her best friend back then was a Growlithe that went by the name of Mike. She herself, sadly never had a real name, they just called her Espeon. Growithe had been abandoned by his trainer, so he had already learned to respond to Mike. She remembered when he first came to the Pokemon shelter, he was the most pathetic looking thing she had ever seen. His ribs jutted out from his thin sides and his fur was matted with dirt and gravel. Mike’s eyes looked large and sad, as though he was in an unbearable amount of pain. When he tried to use an ember attack on his holders, all that came out was a weak ring of smoke and a slew of wheezy coughs. The people at the shelter did all they could to nurse him back to health, he was in a very bad shape. Shame on any person who could do this to a living creature. In about three weeks, his ribs were no longer visible in his sides, and his fur was neat and healthy looking, like an untouched plain. His fur was a magnificent color, it looked like a fresh picked orange, and his stripes were pitch black, no sign of the aging color gray.
     Mike was placed in Espeon’s cage after he recovered from his terrible state of being. At first both Espeon and Mike were unsure about each other, keeping their distance from one another. A few days passed and they realized they would not harm another, so they began to communicate. Mike told Espeon of heart wrenching tales about his travels with his former trainer. Espeon in return told Mike about some of the bad times in her own life, but also of the good people could do. Espeon wasn’t sure if Mike would ever trust a human trainer again, she wasn’t sure she would either if she had gone through what he did. The thing that stood out most in Espeon’s mind about Mike though was his inimitable growl. His growl started out low then abruptly went up in pitch and seemed to trail off into any air current that passed by. Espeon and Mike spent three long years together, never getting adopted because the people at the shelter seemed to realize they would not leave each other. One person that tried to take him away from Espeon was burned on the hand by insubstantial luminous flames. One day though, one person did manage to separate them, a military general. He said he needed a strong healthy psychic type Pokemon. They recommended Espeon, although they told him he might get burnt. He simply shrugged and stalked over to Espeon’s cage, glowering at her. He said he hated to make such a gorgeous Pokemon go into war, but these were trying times. The caretaker sullenly and reluctantly walked over to the cage where the Pokemon were sleeping peacefully. Espeon heard the door rattle as it creaked open and awoke instantly. She saw the general staring at her with beady eyes and knew what was happening. Espeon provoked Mike with a yelp as the caretaker picked her up into her arms. Mike let out one of his unmistakable growls and plunged at the general just as the caretaker padlocked the cage. Mike impacted the cage door, snarling and howling. Espeon tried to bite the caretaker who just placed her in the generals arms, but the general saw it coming and clamped her mouth shut, For safety measures, the caretaker put a muzzle on Espeon and gave her medicine to make her go to sleep instantaneously. Just as Espeon closed her eyes, she awoke with a startle. She was back in the large noise-making room in the military base. Espeon glanced around at the working people, same as always, working and busy. This wasn’t the first time to have this dream, but it disheartened her all the same. She wondered where Mike was now. Was he with another trainer, was he still at the shelter, was he gone from the world. It haunted her mind like a terrifying horror movie. Espeon gave a lengthy yawn and trotted over to the kitchen where the chef would make her some breakfast. What time was it anyway? She glanced at the digital clock on the wall, 6:00am. It was still early, but an emergency could happen at any time and she didn’t want to be caught by a mission unexpectedly and go hungry. Espeon continued her trot over to the kitchen, wait something wasn’t right. She could hear the old retired general speaking in the kitchen. He never got up till 8:00am; an emergency must have come up. Espeon hesitantly crept around the corner of the kitchen. The general saw her and beckoned with his index finger. Now she knew something wasn’t right, the last time he did that, he needed her to go into war. She sat at the feet of the general and stared up at him with big purple eyes. He kneeled down to her eye level and spoke softly to her.
“Espeon, I need you to go on an important mission for me.” She cocked her head in confusion. “There’s a problem with the train track in town, it seems to have been melted and every time they fix it, it melts again. This could be a problem with fire Pokemon and a train will be passing over the tracks around 9:00pm tonight. Since you’re the only Pokemon who can seem to talk some sense into anyone, I need you to go over there and see what the problem is” he paused “the train that is passing tonight has toxic gas in it and could force the whole town to evacuate, and if it crashes we’ve got a big problem, so head over there in about an hour, it’s near the old mining shaft.” Espeon nodded in agreement. Something this big hasn’t come up for a while. Finally, a little excitement.
     Espeon ate her share of Pokemon food and licked the chef on the face to show her thanks. She stretched her tired limbs and headed toward the door on her way to the mission. The general was waiting for her at the door, he opened the large iron-gate and she journeyed off. Espeon ran past the old military base and headed for the open plains. The dirt under her paws flurried around as she galloped at full speed to her destination. The terrain turned from ugly brown dirt and rocks to lustrous rolling green hills. A change of scenery was nice once in a while. Espeon tore across the land, breaking up cottonweed that fluttered in the soft morning breeze like a leaf on the wind. She breathed in deep the crisp air and the smell of fresh grass. Espeon then came to the end of the plain and headed straight back into the dirt and rocks scenery. She spotted the old mineshaft near the tracks. The general was right, it looked like the track had been melted by a high temperature fire. She sniffed the liquefied track and smelled the stench of ash and soot, along with another unfamiliar smell. Espeon heard a rustle behind her and spun around to see what it was. What she saw frightened her. Espeon was face to face with a very large Arcanine about three times her size. Air came in and out in short raspy breaths, she was scared of what the Arcanine might do to her. She had to get away. The Arcanine was snarling at her and baring his teeth that were as sharp as razor blades. Espeon jumped up and the Arcanine lunged at her, teeth bared. Being quick and agile, she landed and rolled to her right, barely avoiding begin snapped by the Arcanine. She, fleet of foot, dashed forwards trying to put as much distance between her and the Arcanine as possible. The Arcanine followed closely behind, howling in rage at the sky. Espeon came to a halt when she ran right into a dead end. She was in trouble to say the least. It was actually a good thing she stopped, because if she hadn’t seen the dead end, she would have fallen through a large hole in the ground, only visible when your standing almost on top of it. The Arcanine still came at her, and growled a strange growl. Wait, she’s heard that growl before, it was low then went up then trailed off. Mike. Her heart throbbed in her chest, she felt like she would explode with excitement.
“Mike stop” Espeon commanded firmly. Surely enough, the Arcanine stopped dead in its tracks. “Mike it’s me, Espeon the one from the shelter”
“Eve, is that really you?” The Arcanine questioned.
“Eve?” Espeon was baffled.
“It seemed like a suitable name for you”
“Yes, thank you” she paused. “After all these years, I never though I would live to see you again.”
“Those were my thoughts.” Mike agreed with a sly grin.
“What happened to you, how did you get away?” Eve was full of curiosity.
“That really isn’t important.” Mike stated sorrowfully
“That’s fine, I’m just happy to see you again.”
Mike moved closer to Eve, his heavy steps thudding on the ground, the earth beneath him started to crack. They stared at each other for a moment, letting it all sink in. Mike advanced a few more steps when CRACK! The ground beneath Eve was already weakened and with Mike’s heavy footsteps, the ground gave in and crumbled below her. Eve let out a screech of fear and fell into the darkness below. THUD! Eve landed hard on the ground.
“Eve…Eve, Eve please answer me!”
“I’m here Mike.” Eve sounded very weak.
“I’m coming Eve hold on”
“No don’t it’s pointless for both of us to die”
“Your not going to die Eve, I promise”
“I’ve aged, I’m not as strong as I used to be”
“Please don’t give up, I’ll go get help, please don’t give up”
“I’ll try, but I hurt really badly”
“I’ll be back!” With that, Mike raced off to find help. Eve could feel her life slipping away, she could no longer hold on. She has seen Mike again, and that was enough for her. She gave a flick of her long tail, and wearily closed her eyes for the last time and passed into the void.
Mmm, a cliffhanger! Well, too bad it's a one shot fic only...

Well, this is only me, but somehow the whole text are so packed that I have some discomfort reading it. Well, that was nothing much, anyway.

Good stuff! If you have any more idea, do write it here!:)

P/S: Heh, took me a long time to reply to this, cause I don't drop here too often...