EXs you got in boosters

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Avid Fan
I got loads of boosters, Dusclops EX, Scizor EX, Steelix EX, RS ones, etc. The amazing trivia is that I trade ALL my EXs I got in packs or keep them in my collection, the ONLY one I got in boosters and actually USED IT in a DECK was Flareon EX, gotten in February this year.

Post your experiences of getting EXs in booster.

NOTE: THIS INCLUDES THOSE YOU GET IN TINS (not the additional card like promo birds though), STARTER KIT's BOOSTER PACK, BOOSTER BOXES (not boxtoppers though) OR WHADDEVER YOU CAN GET (but not world champion deck)
Well, every single one of my EXs (so far) are ones I have gotten in boosters, not counting the legendary bird promo ones. I also bought the Worlds '05 Bright Aura deck just to get Medicham EX, even though it's obviously not the same card worth money.... Does that make me a loser?

By the by, I got an EX in my very second booster.... Yay!
A strange thing happened to me before I got my Mew EX from Legend Maker. I had a dream that I was going to get some rare cards. When I went and bought a pack that comes with 2 Legend Maker boosters, 11 Unseen Forces booster, a Metagross from Pop1 and a Salamence Coin.

Inside 1 of the Legend Maker packs happen to have a Mew EX and a Registeel Star. Weird, isn't it?

I also have a Rocket's Hitmonchan EX when I bought a Tin that comes with an Articuno EX, but I traded the Articuno EX away.
Pikaflash, that's not possible. Each of the new tins come with 2 legend maker packs and 1 deoxys pack. Are you lying? And it's impossible, and I mean, IMPOSSIBLE, to get a star and an ex in 1 pack.

Every ex I got was from boosters. Only if you exclude my 2 world championship decks and my zapdos ex. (tin)
Hmmm, Pokefan, he may not be lying...I saw a guy that got all the pack's stars in one pack (that's truth)...anything is possible...

Anyway, my story is a bit lucky. I bought 3 Emerald boosters (My first ones), and i got a registeel EX, a milotic EX and a deoxys EX (all in separate packs). But since that, looks like my luck ran out...
RE:  EXs you got in boosters

Pokefan4000 said:
Pikaflash, that's not possible. Each of the new tins come with 2 legend maker packs and 1 deoxys pack. Are you lying? And it's impossible,  and I mean, IMPOSSIBLE, to get a star and an ex in 1 pack.

Every ex I got was from boosters. Only if you exclude my 2 world championship decks and my zapdos ex. (tin)

You misunderstood me, PokeFan.

The Tin I got was the one that comes with the EX articuno with boosters of Dexoys, Rocket and Hidden Legends. That's the one that came with Rocket's Hitmonchan EX and Articuno.

I bought a different pack (it's not a Tin)that came with three boosters, one Salamence coin and a Metagross from Pop 1. That pack comes with 2 Legend Makers and a random booster that comes before Legend Maker. This is the pack that came with Mew EX and Registeel Star.

It's all up to luck if you get any EX or star cards.
Pikaflash, you have to understand that each tin comes with 2 legend maker packs and 1 deoxys pack. When did you get that tin?
I think the time/space continium must have gotten muddled up.

I got the tin with Articuno EX a couple of months ago, in Australia, so there's that chance that I must have got an older tin that has Team Rocket Returns, Hidden Legends and Deoxys, ok?

The stuff that came with the Legend Maker boosters (with Mew ex and Registeel star) and Hidden Legends booster was bought seperately and it was not in a tin.
There are two seperate ones, one of them is the two LEGEND MAKER and one UNSEEN FORCES one wif POP1 Metagross OR Blaziken and a coin. The other one is Rocket Returns, Deoxs and Hidden Legends wif Articuno EX OR Moltres EX OR Zapdos EX. Theyre two seperate ones
I usualy got each EX from one set, or "STARS". But in some sets i kind of doesnt fid those pressuse EX'. Like LM, 2 boxes, 4 EXes!
I got 1 Steelix and 1 Scizor EX in boosters, dustox EX and many more too. Man I'm Lucky!!!!
I can only remember 2 Gardevoirex, Espeon ex and Jolteon ex, but I guess I had more.
Yay, I got the Jolteon in a booster right when I needed it! :D
i'm kinda unlucky most of the time in buying boosters. i always ask my brother to choose the packs for me and amazingly his lucky pick always hit an ex. however the best ex i've pulled out from a booster is definitely Jolteon ex. (see how unlucky i am when buying boosters)
My EX's that I got are:

hitmonchan EX
Magmar EX
Lapras EX
Mr. Mime EX
Articuno EX
Deoxys EX:)
I have bad luck in pull an Ex...
I've bought so many boosters (not box) but only got 4 from these:
Mewtwo Ex
Blissey Ex
Politoed Ex
Milotic Ex

see that?
my exs that are from boosters:

crawdaunt ex(got it just now by buying 4 packs of HP packs,also got 3 rare candys.)

jolteon ex

camerupt ex

dustox ex x2

blastoise ex x2

steelix ex

espeon ex x2
almost all, the only once I can remember are
2 of my 4 mew ex lm and 0 of my 2 mew ex (just wanted to brag :p)
2x registeel ex em and 3x registeel ex lm
2x banette ex
1x dustox ex
1x zapdos ex
1x kyogre ex
all my R's legendary birds/dogs ex (1 of each)
1x metagross ex
2x celebi ex pop2

that's all I can think of, but there are more
4 your info PikaFlash is not lying... there were special things like that... really... i bought one with blazien instead of metagross and i got mew ex and banette ex... YES!!!
RE:  EXs you got in boosters

Pokefan4000 said:
Pikaflash, that's not possible. Each of the new tins come with 2 legend maker packs and 1 deoxys pack. Are you lying? And it's impossible,  and I mean, IMPOSSIBLE, to get a star and an ex in 1 pack.

Every ex I got was from boosters. Only if you exclude my 2 world championship decks and my zapdos ex. (tin)
you never know, anything is possible, i know a guy who bought 5 boxes of HP and got 34 ex's cause they were misprint boxes. i also know another guy up in Niles, IN or IL ( i can never remember) who bought 1 box of HP and got 13 *'s. both of those are true stories, cause they were both misprint boxes. anything is possible.

Arcanine out.
i wish i got a misprint box...
the best i got so far are:
zapdos ex
dustox ex
2Xbanette ex =_=

thats all....
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