Ruling Evolving Mew...


Team UN (White)
I can't the links to the cards for some reason, so you'll have to find the cards yourself. Sorry about that.

If I use Mew Prime to copy a Lost Zoned Zorua's Acension attack, can I search my deck even though Mew does not evolve?

Thnx. I wasn't sure because you can't super rod for nothing in your discard which is kind of the same
iisnumber12 said:
I can't the links to the cards for some reason, so you'll have to find the cards yourself. Sorry about that.

If I use Mew Prime to copy a Lost Zoned Zorua's Acension attack, can I search my deck even though Mew does not evolve?
Yes you can. You do as much of the attack as you can.

In that case, you search your deck and the attack ends. (Not sure why you would do that because you already searched your deck with See Off, but okay.)