Error 404: Intruder Alert, Intruder Alert [YPPY]

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Ready or Not!
Advanced Member
Here is a link to music file as the introduction!

*siren sounds* Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert! *siren sounds*

There is an intruder to PokéBeach's firewall! As it turns out, this intruder has reprogrammed PokéBeach's error messages... But luckily, they are quite funny. Water Pokémon Master has decided to leave this prank for a few weeks, until he decides to reprogram the site. Furthermore, we must decide the best intruder via a not-so-secret formula to declare the Master Hacker at then end of this little game!.

Updated: The Master Hacker will be decided by the likes for player's post, calculated each day, at around 9am GMT. This means the more you post, the more likely you are to win! The winner will be declared at the end of the game (4th of November).

So here are the rules. The first player will write an error that contains a number. The following player will write an error containing the previous player's number and a new number of their own. The number that will continue the game should be bolded for convenience. Follows in an example:

Player 1 said:
Warning! Warning! 568 woopers have breached the lake walls.
Player 2 said:
Code 586: The machine codenamed 48876 has been recreated and will destroy the planet in a few seconds!
Player 3 said:
Error! There seems to be 48876 drops of water electrocuting this weapon, which is codenamed 404!

Remember this is a YPPY game, meaning you can only post once at least two players have posted after you most recent post.
Here is the first error:

Error 404: Intruder Alert, Intruder Alert. An intruder as breach firewall 52!

Credits | Button: Lights, Ryan Stinde | Clip: Sonic Adventure 2

The Master Hacker has been announced...
Congrats Rev3sor! Smashing it with an amazing 3 likes! Wow! :p
Code 42: We've approved this game and eaten 52 cakes to celebrate. This game will end on the 4th of November.
Unfortunately, we regret to inform you that all 891 jimmies on PokéBeach have been rustled.

We apologize for the inconvenience. 42 members are also affected by this error.
1 of these effected members are Dro- ERROR! 891 points have been changed on the instructions. Just kidding. Only one.
0 survivor are expected to been found due to the error in the system. Requesting launching of protocol %#%#
59 cookies have been found in the system. 59 cookies have been removed. They were delicious. 0 cookies remain.
Oops! All the textures on PokeBeach have been changed to tiles of 59s. All thread titles have been changed to 100,000,001. Hope that isn't confusing for you at all.
Internal server error: 41 unauthorized users attempted to log in to Drohn's account 100000001 times. Drohn's account has been locked for 31 days to prevent future login attempts.
.sdrawkcab daer elpoep gnikam ,sdaerht 65 ni txet lla sesrever meht fo enO .etis eht no srorre 23 detnalp evah sajniN
Joke regulator desynchronized. 9001 bad memes have flooded the system. Using bombs wisely to eliminate 1337 bugs.

Error. 1337 bugs are too 1337 to eliminate.

System failure imminent.
Error. Meteors from the year 1337 have time traveled and are on crash course to Earth.

Execute ray shields via plan Zed-Dash-Niner-Niner! (99)
Current standings:

1st - Rev3sor - 3
2nd - Drohn - 2

Guess what. 100 - (3-2) = 99. Error there - where did that 100 come from?
Error 100: We regret to inform you that the page you requested has been infected with Uralya malware.
Our crack team of top unicorns moderators has been dispatched and are currently sitting around doing nothing.
If you continue to receive this message, it is already too late. Please enjoy the view out of our one and only window while you still have the chance.
Due to a server error, you must hop on one leg while juggling 15 live cats before entering a thread. If this error persists, deal with it.
Due to an unkn0hn error, the previous error has been recalled. Unfortunately, 225 cats have been grievously injured due to this. We apologise for the inconvenience of the 15 affected users.
Error: Your log-on session has expired. Please insert 225 print-outs of your selfies to continue to access this website for another 60 minutes.
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