DP3 Starterdeck spoilers, for your pleasure.

Lou Cypher

The melody of your defeat
DP3 deck spoilers are looking nice. I mean sure, the Energy/Trainer/Pokemon thing is still screwed, but you get:
Team Galactic's Mars
Prof. Oak's Visit
Roseanne's Research
Bebe's Search

That's a worthy list of cards. Here the full spoiler lists:


1x Magmortar (Foil)
4x Magmar
1x Venusaur (Non-Foil)
2x Ivysaur
4x Bulbasaur
2x Charmeleon
4x Charmander
3x Sentret
1x Arcanine
4x Growlithe

2x Bebe's Search
2x Plus Power
2x Team Galactic's Mars
2x Energy Search
2x Potion

16x Fire Energy
8x Grass Energy

1x Electivire (Foil)
4x Electabuzz
1x Ampharos (Non-Foil)
2x Flaffy
4x Mareep
2x Donphan
4x Phanpy
3x Stantler
1x Electrode
4x Voltorb

2x Professor Oak's Visit
2x Roseanne's Research
2x Plus Power
2x Energy Search
2x Potion

16x Lightning Energy
8x Fighting Energy
Both decks are great. However, I think I'd be more inclined to get Powerhouse due to the Ampharoa and Stantlers, along with Oak's Visit and Roseanne's Research. Mind you, I'd probably try to get both.
i may get one but i may give it to a friend or a new player to booster thier deck and maybe buy another one for a judge
They want us to be split don't they.

TGM>Prof. Oak's Visit

Of course Stantler seal it for me. I'll be getting Powerhouse cause Venasaur is a joke of a Pokemon
The powerhouse theme deck contains waaay more playable cards than lavaflow.

Haven't seen such good theme decks since FRLG or so...
Agreed. Magmortar's good, but I'll have to go with the Amphy and Vire. I'd get Lavaflow for Magmortar and Mars.
How do you decide?!

I like Magmortar more but Electivire is just okay.
I like Team Galactic's Mars more than POV(I think I'll just buy TGM individually if I don't find it in a booster pack)
I like Ampharos more (it is just BRILLIANT especially because supporters are great for a deck. Everyone uses it.
I like Stantler more ( really GREAT for a common.) Its like a mini-Scott
I like Electrode more ... lol Voltorb does 50 damage ... haha ... WHAT?!

I'll just get Powerhouse. Maybe also Lavaflow if I can ...
Since I play Empoleon I will buy a few of the Electivire ones. Giving away 3 Stantlers is broken.
I might buy one for the Roseanne's, the Ampharos and the Stantlers, unless I get enough at the prereleases. I need the TGMs as well, but apart from that, the Powerhouse is way better.