Does this card EXIST??


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does this card exist? others feel free to ask if you think that a card may exist but are not sure?

i will start with 2 that have been on my mind (and i need to know! lol) lately

base OR jungle set- prerelease racihu

Jumbo- charizard (base set) holo version (perhaps it came in score magazines---or is there a holo japanese jumbo version???

any pictures would be greatly appreciated, with charizard , the nonholo jumbo actually kinda looks holo (like they took a photo of the regular base holo char), so its VERY hard to tell from google or ebay images , if the card is actually holo or not
Pre release Base Set Riachu is a story that has been around forever.
The rumor is while Jungle pre-release Clefables were being printed a few Raichu cards were made.
Some people estimate fewer than 10 were made.

Pictures are easily faked. I have seen some, none look right.

Jumbo cards are not my expertise, I can not answer your question about the Charizard.
[The Jumbo Charizard is a non holo English version, released as an insert in the April 2000 Japanese magazine Coro Coro. They come up from time to time on Ebay between $10 - $15.

The existence of the prerelease Riachu has been debated for years. I do believe a few exist. A well known and respected high end collector on another site bought one a couple of years ago for approx $10K.
avalanche, thanks but i know about the nonholo charizard jumbo, im asking about a holo jumbo charizard.

thanks guys, still waiting to hear about charizard, and would like a picture of prerelease raichu (if anybody on this site owns it)
There are no holo jumbo Charizard cards. If you do see one, then it's a fake. CoroCoro only printed non-holo versions.
As far as I'm aware, the Holo Charizard Jumbo does not exist.

There are tons of rumors about Prerelease Raichu. Apparently one was sold for $10k publicly but none other than that. :p