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DialgaChomp (City Championships; Senior Division)

RE: Dialgachomp (Seniors, Cities)

Also try to fit 2 Skarmory UD in, it helps tank dialga like a BEAST.

Don't do that.

-1 DCE u run exganger to get them, u don't need 4.

Don't do that either.

+1-1 scizor prime


but I may need to add 1-1 Driflim UD in

Unless Machamp is heavy in your area (in which case there are better counters), you don't need this at all.

no doubt you will find success with this deck but then again who can't its SP!

Read: "I don't know how to play SP, so I'm going to drag you down for playing good decks."


Onto the list...

- 2-1 Dialga is fine, unless Gengar/Plume is heavy in your meta, in which case I'd probably run a 2-2. You're also going to want an Ambipom G. Cut a Crobat. Throw in a Promocroak. Why are you running stadiums with no Toxitank, or Staraptor? Run both of those if you're going to commit the room to stadiums.

- Cut to 1 or 2 Spray, you don't really have the room for 4, nor do you need that many. Cut a PONT, add in either an Aaron's or a VS Seeker. You could also probably cut a Bebe's for a Premier Ball, but it's tight with the stadiums and all. Oh, and if you're going to runs stadiums, run Pokemon Contest Hall, especially if Gengar is big in your meta. Galactic HQ is meh, and Snowpoint does nothing in the mirror. Quarry is decent though.

- 4 DCE is a must, as is 3 Call and 4 SPM. Add in a P and cut down to 1 M. Also, the entire point of this deck is to combo with Warp Energy, so you need to play at least 2 or 3.
RE: Dialgachomp (Seniors, Cities)

3-1 Dialga: It maximizes the chance to start with a deafen lock.
4 Spray: IMO it's a must in my machamp/sp meta.
Gengar is somewhat gone now 'cause we have lots of SP.
I already have a Garchomp counter (Draggy, Garchomp) so no on ambipom. I think a promocroak is needed, but I don't find any luxchomps anymore.
Toxitank: My biggest debate. Now I run stadiums because they are good but I don't run toxitank because of space issues. I have run into sooo many problems with only one crobat g. That's why I run 2.

No call. I HATE call. It's better on the first turn to attach SPM. I play 2 warp.
RE: Dialgachomp (Seniors, Cities)

This looks like a super solid list. The only major change I would probably make is cutting the Stadiums for another Aaron's Collection and another PONT (or even two more PONT). Hand refresh is vital so you're definitely going to need more than one. More recovery is an option as well. The Stadiums are super flippy and just don't do much for the deck IMO. Luxchomp benefits from both as well...It's better to have more consistency through Supporters than helping both out.

dmaster out.
RE: Dialgachomp (Seniors, Cities)

Well, I've had tutor tutor me for the last battle roads cuz I've been sucking with other decks. I really love Conductive 'cuz it's so game changing... I'll try the supporters.
RE: Dialgachomp (Seniors, Cities)

Ive lost to dmaster's dialgachomp so many times because I ran out of electric energy. Conductive quarry just helps them way too much, since luxchomp is really it's hardest matchup, aside from machamp.
RE: DialgaChomp (Seniors, Cities)

3-1 Dialga: It maximizes the chance to start with a deafen lock.
4 Spray: IMO it's a must in my machamp/sp meta.
Gengar is somewhat gone now 'cause we have lots of SP.
I already have a Garchomp counter (Draggy, Garchomp) so no on ambipom. I think a promocroak is needed, but I don't find any luxchomps anymore.
Toxitank: My biggest debate. Now I run stadiums because they are good but I don't run toxitank because of space issues. I have run into sooo many problems with only one crobat g. That's why I run 2.

3-1 Dialga is fine, but chances are it's better to wait an extra turn and attach a Belt than it is to go with the turn 1 Deafen, which will rarely happen anyway. I happen to think 2-1 is the play, but 3-1 isn't a bad choice.

You don't need 4 Spray in anything, even a lot of Sablelock lists don't play 4 (although I do recommend playing 4 there). Most of the top tier Diagla lists run 1-2 spray, rarely even 3. 4 is a complete waste.

If LuxChomp is prevalent in your meta (or Dialga, or Sableye, really), you'll need the Ambipom. I could see cutting the Ambipom if you were running Staraptor, but even that's debatable.

I just don't see the point of running stadiums without cards that can abuse stadiums. They're complete wasted spaces without Toxitank or Staraptor.

And Call is a necessity here. Maybe not so much as in LuxChomp, but you definitely need to play 3. A 4th would even be nice, but 3 usually works here.
I think you need at least one more belt. Without a belt on dialga, you aren't tanking or doing good enough damage. I also think you really need more than 1 metal energy, since having it prized will really suck.