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Standard [Deck Help] Talonflame/Typhlosion


Aspiring Trainer
Hey there guys! Was wondering if I could get some feedback on this deck. So I currently play a lot of TCGO but sadly don't have the cards to play test this so can't really get a good feel for it. So was hoping I could get some feedback from some more professional deck builders!
I've looked up a lot of lists and tried to take what I think is best from each one, along with considering new cards etc, but anyway!

Pokemon (13):
  • 4 Talonflame (STS 96)
  • 4 Cyndaquil (BKT 18)
  • 1 Quilava (BKT 19)
  • 4 Typhlosion (BKT 20)
Trainers/Supporters (19):
  • 1 Energy Recycler
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 4 Rare Candy
  • 2 Random Receiver
  • 1 Brock's Grit
  • 3 N
  • 1 Professor Sycamore
  • 3 Skyla
Energy (28):
  • 28 Fire Energy
I saw a lot of lists running 4 Judge's which I found strange at first, But then I realized it's probably better than N after the first 2 KOs (or first if your against EX's), I wanted to experiment with 2 of each but obviously I lack some of the cards at the moment. So since the deck is meant to be fast, I'm going to assume that Judge is better than N in this situation? With the exception of having it in your opening hand.

Most of the deck lists I saw also didn't include any Sycamores, which I suppose is also fair, better to shuffle your energy back in than discard it. Speaking of discarding, I really wanted to find space for 2-3 copies of Scorched Earth (and 4 Balloons) but obviously being a Typhlosion deck deck space is limited as you want plenty of energy. I also thought about Teammates but dunno what I'd swap out, Skyla maybe? But it requires losing a guy :(

My first version of the list also had 2 Shaymin EX's (all I own) but my thoughts were, it's better to mulligan into a Talonflame or Cyndaquil than being stuck with a single Shaymin, plus good for denying prizes.
Another card I was contemplating was 1-2 Level Balls, since it's fetch-able with Skyla (sure it's obvious but yes she's there to fetch the Rare Candy or Ultra Balls where needed) and can grab my Cyndaquil's and even a Quilava if needed. But I'm sure I'll have spare Energy/Talonflames in hand to discard to Ultra Ball.

Instead of 2 Energy Recycler I thought I'd experiment with the new Brock's Grit, since it allows me to recycle my Tyhplosion line in long games, sorta like Recycler and Super Rod mashed into one.
With so many Supporter cards I did want to find space for VS Seekers as well, but my thinking was games shouldn't last that long hopefully, and Random Receiver would be just as good, with the added bonus of thinning my deck. (Though a 2nd Lysandre would be nice).

Anyway, would love some feedback on the deck! What changes you would make and so on. Thanks! :D

(Edit: minor updated to the deck, -1 Lysandre, -4 Judge, +3 N, +2 Energy)
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Have you thought about adding a small Infernoape (STS) line in? Perfect partner for Typlosion but it's more Basics to interfear with Talonflame.
Yeah, the issue is what would you take out? Because you need as much energy as you can fit in the deck, some versions even run 30!

I mean what would you go? 3-2-2? 2-1-1? Wouldn't be consistent and would just make your draws worse imo, after all Typlosion should be 1shotting almost anything in the game if you thin your deck right (best case scenario ofc) so shouldn't need it haha ^^
-2 Random Receiver
+2 Trainers Mail

Pretty self explanatory. Instead of grabbing only Supporters, now you can grab any Trainer card that you need.
I don't know, my concern is that Trainers' Mail can very, very easily whiff in this deck, it only looks at the top 4 cards of your deck.... well, with 41 non-trainer cards that going to happen ALOT. At the very least Random Receiver guarantee's drawing me something good. Can fetch me Skyla to grab absolutely anything I need (Ultra Ball, Candy, Recycle etc), or an N to shuffle my hand away.

Raising this issue however I think I might swap Brock's Grit to another Energy Recycler (or Super Rod, then can shuffle my Typhlosion line back in if I need to), since drawing it off a Random Receiver could be pretty crappy!.. I wonder which.
Energy recycler gets my vote. And maybe give yourself an extra Quilava in case you prize a candy or explode it. I ran less energy and concentrated on having a massive first few turns getting set up and making sure I had lots of outs to get 2 or 3 recyclers to stack the deck for the endgame. Flare Destroy is an excellent attack and the massive eruptions come so much easier later on when you want to use skyla for the turn and make sure you don't discard recycler instead of say blacksmith or sycamore. . . Then again, I guess only one of those is an option now.
I'd suggest the following changes:
  • -1 Cyndaquil (BKT 18)
  • -1 Brock's Grit
  • -1 Prossor Sycaremore
  • -1 Energy Recycler
  • -3 N
  • +4 Judge
  • +1 Skyla
  • +2 Super Rod
Reasons for changes:
  • Taking out 1 Cyndaquil means that you'll be able to start with Talonflame more often which I believe is more essential for this deck.
  • No Sycaremore because we want to keep as many energy cards in the deck as we can.
  • Judge over N for a similar reason, also it can add a bit of disruption to your opponent.
  • 4 Skyla to grab whatever Trainer card you need as much as possible.
  • 2 Super Rod instead of Energy Recycler as you may need to get some Pokémon back into the deck instead of energy.
This is the deck I play in PTCGO to climb the ladder. You basically win or lose quickly and then it's on to the next battle.
Hi! Thanks for posting!
I meant to update this thread but never got around to it, I'd mostly been getting feedback on the main pokemontcg forum and managed to get an updated list;

Some feedback after playing some games. (Currently 13/2 out of 15 games).

Absolutely LOVE N in the deck, he is an amazing early draw and great for shuffling those nothing but energy hands back into your deck. Often had games where I'd put down all my basic pokémon and N let me shuffle 4-5 energy cards from my hand back into my deck instead of just being wasted.
It also really helps you get set up early, being able to dump your hand then draw 6, just makes your starts better. It doesn't really matter he's worse later on since by then you've already set up.

My current list looks like;
Pokemon (13):
  • 4 Talonflame (STS 96)
  • 4 Cyndaquil (BKT 18)
  • 1 Quilava (BKT 19)
  • 4 Typhlosion (BKT 20)

Trainers/Supporters (20):
  • 2 Energy Recycler
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 4 Rare Candy
  • 2 Random Receiver
  • 3 N
  • 1 Professor Sycamore
  • 4 Skyla

Energy (27):
  • 27 Fire Energy

After a few games I quickly upped the number of Skyla to 4, just to make sure I can get one early, so fantastic for drawing Candy or Ultra Balls... heck I've even used her to fetch Random Receiver before in clutch games!

27 Energy seems more than enough, out of all my games I've only ever once milled just 1 energy for Eruption, has always been 2, sometimes more.
(Energy vs Deck Percent%, 26=43.33%, 27=45%, 28=46.66% of the deck).

Anyway... Talonflame is hands down the *Star* of this deck, he is absolutely stunning! Getting a turn 1 Talonflame is basically a win, being able to fetch all your combo parts/pokémon early on, (as long as no one shuffles them back in with an N) it's so fantastic. Quite often had 2 Typhlosions by turn 3 and with a free retreat cost you can easily knock out the opponents first Pokémon (if its basic) with 2 attacks then switch over, or if it's an EX set up a super early Typhlosion and then switch him in!

Other than that... hmm, 2 Energy Recycler was definitely the right choice. I tried out 3 Teammates but only ever drew one once and never got to play it o_O lol. Also wondering if I should swap my 1 of Sycamore to something else... but nothings come to mind yet!
(Source= http://forums.pokemontcg.com/topic/48593-standard-talonflametyphlosion/ If that's okay for me to link here haha!)

To cover your feedback!

...Wouldn't Mew EX also reduce the chances of me getting turn1 Talonflame? xD hehe.
I do like the idea of trimming 1 Cyndaquil to get a better chance of Talonflame. Might try that out!

I don't really understand why you'd run Judge over N, beyond screwing over your opponent? I understand it's better later on once you start taking Prize cards, it's what I originally thought too... but I just found N too useful for getting an early set up.
Could you explain that a bit more for me? :) Thank you!
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My experience with Typhlosion is that it is difficult to get 3 or 4 out. With Mew EX, you can get one additional attacker, which can make a huge difference.

Still, this deck is very random, there isn't any skill involved in it. It's about a coin flip whether you win or lose, but the games are very short so it's good for climbing the ladder in that respect.
I used to run 4 unown, since it would think my deck, offer me lesso mulligans , single retreat cost which could help blacksmith after turn 1.
I raneed only 12 energy aND burned my deck in the first 2 turns, then dug for recyclers so I knew massive eruption was huge every time. I plan to run 4 talon flame, since if I start with it it right rocks and otherwise I don't care if it is erupted . set up is so hard with 20+energy and Shaymin sucks without scoop up or az.
What do you guys think about combat blaze Entei?
It's first attack can burn your deck and power up multiple cyndaquil or typhlosion. I was never brave enought to try it, but