Deck Discussion #11: Gechamp (DP-SV)

What do you think of Gechamp?

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Blue Thunder

so long!
Yes, after being gone for around a month, the Deck Discussions are now back! The key difference for these new Deck Discussions, however, is that we are now moving on to DP-SV decks, seeing as how Worlds is over with and Supreme Victors comes out tomorrow.

As mentioned in an earlier thread, this deck discussion will be around Gechamp. Also, you can submit your votes for a deck you'd like to be seen in the next Deck Discussion. Deck Discussion 12 should be posted on August 24th, but I won't promise it.

OK, enough of an intro, and onto the combo:

Gechamp is built around the cards Machamp (Stormfront) and Gengar (Stormfron) to create an SP-counter deck. Machamp can beat most SPs except Toxicroak, but Gengar can hurt it severely. On the other hand, Dialga G is a huge nuisance to Gengar, but Machamp can kill it with no sweat. This deck was big during Regionals, but it fell from the top tables due to Unown G (Great Encounters). However, a new card, Relicanth (Supreme Victors) can hurt the opposing players for using their Unown Gs. It also further hurts SP decks because Relicanth does even more damage for each Energy Gain (Platinum) in play. While these two don't directly have synergy, the both help each other overcome their SP weaknesses, and Relicanth adds a solid third side to the deck.

OK, all of the old Deck Discussions are dead, so I won't be linking to any of them. I guess all that's left to say is...

....discuss! =D
I played this at Nats. and fared well with it, but Gengar is too easy play around and Machamp has low damage output. This really loses to stage 2s that don't play tons of powers. SPs can be hard to beat too if they get out an Unown G quickly. Since Rel won't be able to do much to 1 Unown G being on the feild.
See, the thing is, I cant see how these have synergy, really. I guess Machamp is there to protect Gengar from harmful SPs, but I just cant fathom its-goodness. They have no synergy, and are just together as beat up cards. My opinion, anyway. Also, this is off topic, but remember the Speedrill deck discussion? DarthPika was saying Speedrill would get murdered by Gengar. I am 100% there were gengars at worlds, and speedrill pulled through, just proves he was wrong.
It's defenitely going to see lot of play, and therefore win quite some BRs. But in my opinion, it's not the play because of its consistency.
Machamp combos better with other things (like Rampardos)
Gengar combos better with other things (like Metagross)
GeChamp is a great deck. The main reason for playing it is because of SPs, seeing as it trounces any SP deck out there (and I mean any). Of course, it's uses expand farther than just SP counters. You see, the synergy lies in the fact that Gengar snipes bench drawpower techs, and Machamp deals with active Pokemon. Combo that with Fainting Spell (it is godly, don't deny it), and you've got yourself a real winner. A lack of GeChamp combos also makes this deck beastly.
you mean, lack of Gechamp counters? I could make Gechamp, but I dont have Machamp X, so that would be hard. But still, I just dont like it...I like metal gengar, or as I call it, Gengross better.
Azul said:
It can be decent, but watch out for it's bad starts.

You mean like any other deck out there? I don't see how bad starts makes GeChamp worse than other decks. :/
I think he means inconsistent. But still. I understand how it works, but isnt that like any other deck? this card deals with active, this card deals with bench? I mean seriously...Blaztran anyone? GE deals with bench, PT deals with active. Simple as that.
gengar the baller said:
You don't need Machamp Lv.X, I did well with it and so did Grafton and played no Lv.X

Well, playing the deck without the Lv.X isn't always a good idea. For example, you can't one-hit SPs with Take Out when they use Unown G. So, for the ones with higher HP (Infernape G, Palkia G, etc.), just level up and use Hurrican Punch, which should do at least 120 with the Body (unless you are the most unlucky person in the world).
gengar the baller said:
GeChamp's main flaw is how it stands against, Flygon, Mother Gengar and any other hard-hitting stage 2 is a bad matchup for you.

I disagree. Flygon is a hideously easy matchup, thanks to the Trainer Lock first turn, the fact that you resist them, and Fainting Spell. Mother Gengar is a problem, however. As long as they don't resist Machamp, it's not a problem.
Weavile makes the matchup much easier as most lists play BTS and can get thier energy back fast with weavile and it is very easy to get around Fainting spell with uxie. Also it has a 50% chance of failing anyway.
GeChamp before SV came out was a terrible deck. Lost matchups easily and hurt consistency, but Relicanth SV easily changes that. Previous Unown G and Energy Gains everywhere puts this deck back on the map and in the format.

dmaster out.