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That guy who chokes in top 8
3 Darkrai EX
3 Sableye
2 Terrakion
2 Virizion NV
1 Mewtwo

11 Pokemon

4 N
4 Juniper
3 Cheren
2 Skyla

4 Catcher
4 Energy Switch
4 Dark Patch
3 Ultra Ball
3 Eviolite
2 Tool Scrapper
1 Switch
1 Random Reciever
1 Gold Potion

37 T/S/St

8 Dark
4 Prism

12 Energy

Standard Darkrai/Sableye build with Terrakion tech and BC cards. Night Spear/Junk Hunt, y'know the drill. I chose GP over Comp. Search because getting a 90 damage heal and then Junk Hunting it back is amazing, bro.

Decided to drop the potions in favor of 2 Virizion NV. Kills Squirtles and doesn't afraid of anything.
i run a similar deck except i have fighting/grass energies instead of the prisms.

Do you recommend to use the prisms? Do you have trouble against hammers?
I assume you have to be a lot more careful with your prism placements since you can't energy switch them and recover them with super rod.

Is there much point in running a single mewtwo without any DCE in the deck?
I prefer using Basic Energies myself over Prisms, especially in a deck like this. It lets you abuse Energy Switch big time and even things like Energy Search (a card I don't run in my current Darkrai/Sableye deck but one that I'm very tempted too with Skyla being released). That is just personal preference though.

Running a single Mewtwo does give you an out when the opponent inevitably starts charging up their Mewtwos of their own (if they have them). When it has enough Energy (not hard to do with accelerators like Eelektrik, Blastoise, and Hydreigon that can shift all the Energy over), it can just power through things and start KOing Terrakions and soon Darkrais as well. A single Mewtwo allows you to deal with it and since he runs a lot of Energy Switch, getting two Energy on him to X-Ball is very easily done. It's just a nice insurance copy of a card.

dmaster out.