• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

Darkrai/Hydreigon/Eeveelutions (New Player)


Aspiring Trainer
I'm Newish to Tcg i dont have much of a strategy atm. or that much of a selection of trainers. if anyone has any suggestions on what cards i could get? to improve. i'm all ears. i do have a few garbodor/ absol ( waiting for mail ) same with a mr mime and a few Deoxys EX.

Sorry if this is the wrong area.

This is what i have atm.

  • 2 Sableye
  • 2 Darkrai EX
  • 1 Leafeon
  • 1 Umbreon
  • 1 Absol
  • 1 Deino (PF 75)
  • 1 Deino (PF 76)
  • 1 Zweilous (PF 77
  • 2 Hydreigon (PF 78)
  • 2 Eevee (PF 90)

  • 1 Shadow Triad
  • 4 Team Plasma Ball
  • 2 Colress
  • 2 Dark Claw
  • 2 Dark Patch
  • 4 Cheren
  • 1 Master Ball (Ace Spec)
  • 2 Ultra Ball
  • 2 Energy Retrieval
  • 1 Colress
  • 2 Silver Bangle
  • 3 Professor Juniper
  • 2 Frozen City
  • 1 Pokemon Communication
  • 1 Cilan

  • 10 Dark
  • 2 DCE

Yes, this was in the wrong forum, so I took the liberty to move it for you! :D The New Player Help Forum is there for new players seeking help not for decklists, but for advice about Pokemon events, general questions, et cetera. Hope you have a wonderful time in the forums, and welcome to Pokebeach! :D ~Kecleon
I like the looks of this, but it needs some improvement

-1 cilan
-2 energy retrieval
you're not playing a deck that mass-accelerates energy from the hand, then discards it, so you don't need these
-2 team plasma ball
four is pushing it, not all of your pokemon are team plasma
-1 pokemon communication
he's not tournament legal
-1 master ball
let's get this across, Master Ball is not a good card, I'd say this in a more harsh way, but I don't want to be offensive
-2 frozen city
if you need to attach an energy to a deino you'd harm it, and IF it ever turns into a hydreigon it would be easier for your opponent to knock out
-4 cheren
they're are better draw options
-2 eevee
-1 umbreon
-1 leafeon
you said you have deoxys's coming. you only have 5 bench spaces so I'd limit bench sitters to one.
-4 dark
you'll see later in this post

so this leaves you with 39 cards in your deck. This part of the post will include what to put the remaining empty spaces with

+1 hydreigon
He's the main attacker of the deck, so you need at least 3 of him
+1 Deino
You need more deino if you have more hydreigon
+4 rare candy
You need a quick way to get hydreigons out
+1 Absol
He's your backup attacker in case you can't get a hydreigon out so having 1 is unreliable
+3 Deoxys EX
Who wouldn't want to use Deoxys in their deck. 10 extra damage per each one in play? No that's not overpowered in any way
+1 dark patch
Energy acceleration purposes
+4 plasma
+3 Colress machine
Energy acceleration purposes
+1 juniper
+4 N
Draw Support
+3 Skyla
You need a way to search out rare candies and other crucial items

Now you have 65 cards in your deck. Here's what I would suggest taking out for space

-1 Zwelious
-1 Shadow Triad
-1 Colress
-1 Silver Bangle
-1 Dark Patch

If you could find room I'd also suggest putting in 1 tool scrapper and I forgot to add in an ace spec *facepalm* This will cost you roughly $70.70 this could vary depending on which sites you use and what you could trade for. (The price already includes the Deoxys's and absol you said you had in the mail). Also if you want to test your deck you can get an account on bebesearch and play on playtcg. you can pm me if you want to play. Let me know if this is too much $$$ for you and I can try to make it cheaper.
What Umbreon is this set from? Since you are playing Absol, it would be nice to give it more HP with the Team Plasma Umbreon's ability. It allows all team plasma pokemon to get 20 more HP. This can also be useful if you were able to make space for a couple of Plasma Badges. Plasma badges can give weaker Pokemon, like Sableye, more HP with Umbreon's ability. Not sure if that's the best advice since not too many Darkrai EX decks run them. You will probably also need a Super Rod. I think those can be found in both Noble Victories and Dragons Exalted. Super Rods allow you to shuffle in any combination of 3 Pokemon and Energy cards, although I think only basic energy. Super Rods can allow to put a KO'ed Darkrai EX back into the deck and then hunted out again with Ultra ball. Plus, if you need them again, Super Rod and Ultra ball can be Junk Hunted by Sableye. The new X and Y sets are coming out with a Stadium Card called "Dark Circle", I think. If I remember correctly, it makes all Dark Pokemon have no weakness, lessening the threat of Landorus decks and Terrakion with Retaliation. Hope this helps. Not sure about the Plasma Badges but you'll have to try it out to see if it works. Definitely add the Super Rods. Also consider adding Hypnotoxic Laser and Virbank City Gym. Hypnotoxic Laser poisons your opponent and Virbank City Gym makes it to where Poison damage does 20 more in between turns. They're EXTREMELY popular and for good reason. Anyway, add a Super Rod, definitely think about adding the Lasers and Virbank. (My suggestion is +4 Lasers and +2 Virbank Gym) And look at adding Dark Circle once the X and Y base sets come out. Hope this helps.