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Dark Flame


Aspiring Trainer
hey fellow beachers created a deck based around Entie EX and Darkrai EX ..so far i haven't tested it... but i would like to get some help on the current list please let me know your views or any changes you would like to make this deck better.

60 cards Total
Pokemon: [9]
3 Darkrai EX
2 Entie EX
2 Stableye DEX
2 Reshiram B&W

Trainers & Supporters [39]
4 Professor Juniper
4 N
2 Bianca
3 Pokemon Catcher
3 Ultra Ball
4 Crushing Hammer
4 Enhanced Hammer
3 Energy Switch
2 Eviolite
2 Random Receiver
2 Energy Retrieval
2 Heavy Ball
1 Max Potion
1 Tool Scrapper
1 Dark Patch
1 Super Rod

Energy [12]
7 Dark
5 Fire

Thank you for your help
-1 Darkrai; Since it is just for acceleration (and free retreat).
-4 Enhanced Hammer; Not a priority.
-1 Crushing Hammer; Also not a priority.
-2 Energy Retieval; Entei is your Energy Retrieval

+1 Entei; Main attacker, no?
+2 Dark Patch; You can't build Entei up quickly without it.
+2 Max Potion; Free retreat Entei to the Bench, bring up another one, accelerate the energies back on to him.
+1 Energy Switch; Dark Patch + Energy Switch makes it easier ti meet those energy requirements.
+1 Eviolite; Terrakion...
+1 Tool Scrapper; so that you are able to 2HKO consistently
Mora said:
-1 Darkrai; Since it is just for acceleration (and free retreat).
-4 Enhanced Hammer; Not a priority.
-1 Crushing Hammer; Also not a priority.
-2 Energy Retieval; Entei is your Energy Retrieval

+1 Entei; Main attacker, no?
+2 Dark Patch; You can't build Entei up quickly without it.
+2 Max Potion; Free retreat Entei to the Bench, bring up another one, accelerate the energies back on to him.
+1 Energy Switch; Dark Patch + Energy Switch makes it easier ti meet those energy requirements.
+1 Eviolite; Terrakion...
+1 Tool Scrapper; so that you are able to 2HKO consistently

thanks so much for your help
Maybe change the title of the thread, read forum rules. :p

Would maybe look out for an out against Empoleon, since he can 1-hit you really fast! Only needs 3 Pokémon on your side and your done.

Would really stock up Dark Patch and try to add some catchers, for easy K.O.s on low HP Pokémon of your opponent and for disruption.