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Dark Box (Zoroark/Darkrai/Weavile)


That guy who chokes in top 8
4-3/1 Zoroark (ND/B&W)
3-2 Weavile (UND)
2 Darkrai EX

3 Collector
3 Juniper
3 N/Sages (Leaning towards Sages since it helps me discard basic {D} and this deck mostly focuses on taking fast prizes so N would mess me up kinda)

4 Junk Arm
3 Catcher
3 Dark Claw
3 Dark Patch
2 Pokegear (I prefer this over RR personally)
2 Ultra Ball

9 {D}
4 Sp.{D}

Main point of the deck is to quickly set up with Zoura through Ascension and start attacking with Zoroark T2 for 140 with a full dark bench and a Dark Claw. Weavile provides added disruption and beef for Zoroarks attack. Darkrai adds free retreat and can function somewhat as a second attacker.
I'd maybe add some more search cards for zoroark and weaving. I don't feel like 2 ultra ball is enough. Maybe cut some energy for some more ultra ball maybe? And maybe one more dark patch would be good or another 0-1 weavile or some super scoop up/seeker.
Try adding in a another Collector. Three is not just enough when you are trying to swarm with Zoroark. And like Jirachi said, try adding in at least 1 more Dark Patch and definitely add in Seeker.