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Cobalion/Scizor - Metal Break (HGSS-NV)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon - 20
Cleffa - 1 (HGSS)
Scizor Prime - 3-3 (UD-UD)
Samurott - 3-1-2 (BW-BW-BW)
Cobalion - 3 (NV)
Skarmory - 4 (UD)

Trainers - 18
Energy Exchanger - 2
Eviolite - 2
Junk Arm - 3
Pokemon Catcher - 4
Pokemon Communication - 4
Rare Candy - 3

Supporters - 8
Pokemon Collector - 4
Professor Oak's New Theory - 4

Energy - 14
Double Colorless Energy - 2
Metal Energy - 8
Special Metal Energy - 4

Strategy - main focus is to get Cleffa out T1, Scizor/Cobalion out by T2 or T3. Either have Cobalion out front to stall the opponent by making them either wait and take damage or waste energy by switching out for a pokemon that can attack or Scizor to 1hko their current main.

All help will be appreciated

:Recent change thoughts:
Not so sure about Samurott. Any thoughts on a basic/stage 1 that would work out better?
I would max out max potion and junk arm. It really will help you to stay alive. I would take out 1-2 pokemon collector (4 is a bit too much) and maybe a bianca and a skarmory. 1 thing to watch out for is Reshiram because it will own you.
PichuJumpluffMaster said:
.I would take out 1-2 pokemon collector (4 is a bit too much) and maybe a bianca and a skarmory. 1 thing to watch out for is Reshiram because it will own you.

No way. They're amazing early game and junk arm fodder late game. Should always run 4.
I like the idea but I hate to say it but it would never do win because of Emboar and Typho if u were however able to tech aginst it you might have a chance however. BTW try judge

Tristan said:
I like the idea but I hate to say it but it would never do win because of Emboar and Typho if u were however able to tech aginst it you might have a chance however. BTW try judge


Thats why I've been telling people if they want to run scizor or cobalion bases decks they need to run 3-1-2 or 2-1-2 of Samurott (Ability)
Stuart Hayden said:
Thats why I've been telling people if they want to run scizor or cobalion bases decks they need to run 3-1-2 or 2-1-2 of Samurott (Ability)

there are other ways besides running samurott, allthough he is a great addition. The problem here is Kinklang is catcher bait. horrible retreat and as a stage two it is difficult to get use out of him. Maybe get rid of him for the samurott line, or maby a jyurem for outrage.
Updated the deck based off of the replies. Not so sure about using Samurott since it gives me a lot of stage 2s. Let me know what you all think.
Don't run the klink line, imo. It's not worth it. It's a slow and clunky tech.

Run something close to this.

pokemon (21)
1 Cleffa/Manaphy (preference)
4 skarmory
4 cobalion (noble victories)
3-3 Scizor prime
3-1-2 Samurott (Ability)

T/S/S (26)
2 Pokemon Catcher
2 Plus Power
2 Eviolite
2 Energy Exchanger
3 Rare Candy
3 Junk Arm
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Professor Oak's New Thoery
4 Pokemon Communication

energy (13)
2 Double Colorless Energy
4 Metal Energy (Special)
7 Metal Energy (Basic)
samurott is the best fire tech for this deck. try adding shaymin for helping moving energy when you know u are about to lose a scizor then u could use max potion to heal it seeker shaymin and use celebration wind to get the energy back on your active
KatsuSado said:
samurott is the best fire tech for this deck. try adding shaymin for helping moving energy when you know u are about to lose a scizor then u could use max potion to heal it seeker shaymin and use celebration wind to get the energy back on your active

I would use that but it requires way too much to set up.
it does take a good bit to set up, but can OHKO any fire type with the exception of legend pieces or bad boar. In the Scizor list iam using currently i've added a couple random energies to help with this, and seeing iam not attaching the cards from my hand samurott does not take ten damage from the rainbow energy. So you have the potential to do more than 140 damage depending on if you use rainbow energy or not.
Not much point of running Cleffa AND Skarmory. They're both starters, at the very least drop the Skarmory count.
gregzilla32 said:
It need switch. Try steelix prime

Steelix is absolutely terrible in this meta. Due to the power creep, 140 HP isn't that impressive anymore, fire weakness is not that great, and 100 for five (yes even with energy stream) is terrible. Steelix can't really tank in this meta, and that's all it's ever been good for.