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Standard Cheap but Effective Garb Deck?


Aspiring Trainer
I've been sorting out my bulk and found some Garbs! 2 of each one actually, I had considered asking which was best but looking around it seems a lot of decks use them both, which makes sense!

I now go to my local league, only been twice so far, first time I took quad Lapras and second time I took rainbow road. Both times I didn't win a single game, and only ever took 1 prize card :(

So now I'm thinking maybe delve into something a bit more top tier, see how that works for me. I've probably got most trainer cards so just something cheap to go with the Garbs
From my experience playing Garbodor, you need at least 3-4 Leles, so going a cheap route may be an option. But I'm not exactly sure what lists you could build that can be somewhat viable/consistent without Leles.
From my experience playing Garbodor, you need at least 3-4 Leles, so going a cheap route may be an option. But I'm not exactly sure what lists you could build that can be somewhat viable/consistent without Leles.

Yeah that's what I was thinking. I don't know why but I don't like to use the 'popular cards', I never used Shaymin and I didn't want to use Lele but I added 2 to my Rainbow Road deck and beat one of the best guys at league last night!

So I think I'm just gonna have to accept that Lele is more or less a necessary card and work with it.

So excluding the cost of Leles, what's good with Garb these days?
Lele is def a staple in most decks, unlike shaymin in has a strong attack and respectable HP. With ability to Acerola it to reuse ability is solid too. I feel 3 is where most decks will have optimal play from Lele. Late game lele can win games. Garb variants tht seem to promising are drampa garb and golisopod garb for standard. Espeon/garb might still have play but with many players running 3 guzma it makes its confusion less effective. Drampas are pretty cheap as RR golisopods. If you have the garbs and staples then really the leles are the only costly thing to get.