Ruling BTET question.

Garchomp said:
Would I be able to use BTET in a tournament now, even though it's not out in England?

I'm assuming that you live in England. A set only becomes legal for tournament play once it is officially released in your region. Since Bonds is not out in your region, (Or so I assume.) you cannot use it in tournaments.
Just to confirm, as I do live in the UK. BTET is not currently legal in the UK in modified tournaments.

EDIT: UK nationals is on the 16th May. If the offical release date is before then, then it will be legal for nationals. If the release date is after then it won't be. Offical confirmation will posted/emailed once the offical date as been annouced for BtET
It SHOULD be, provided it will be late May. Sets do tend to be released in the first 2 weeks of a month. We had the same scenario in Holland last year with Majestic Dawn.
Lou Cypher said:
It SHOULD be, provided it will be late May. Sets do tend to be released in the first 2 weeks of a month. We had the same scenario in Holland last year with Majestic Dawn.

It could be close as nationals is on the 16th May.
Yes, but seeing 2 weeks is 14 days, BET should be out just about in time for Nats. Wow, people are gonna buy like 2 booster boxes to get the cards they need in time lol!
Meaty said:
Yes, but seeing 2 weeks is 14 days, BET should be out just about in time for Nats. Wow, people are gonna buy like 2 booster boxes to get the cards they need in time lol!
Just to let you know. The street legal date for BTET is 20th May, therefore you wouldn't be able to use it at UK nationals.