Collecting Booster Box Invesment


Aspiring Trainer
Hey guys i have been collecting cards for years now, mainly old cards and over the years i have seen those booster boxes that i used to open for less then 80$ rise to a price of over 300$ and even 1500+!!!
so i was thinking to myself that it would be nice to start collecting some sealed products.
so i need your help guys because im not familiar with the new sets from B&W (yes its new for me )
until sun and moon.
i would appriciate any suggestion that guide me on what sets you guys think will manage to rise in price due2 specific cards as it happend before to old sets .
Thanx for your time guys and have a nice day =)
Hi, I can give you a few tips; more populair Pokemon (mainly the first two gens) make a set more sought after in the long run. That's why sets with Charizard (FlashFire for instance) have risen really fast; around 300 dollar/euro already. The upcoming set will probably be valuable too for this same reason.

Other recent sets that have seen big price jumps are Phantom Forces and Plasma Storm (Featuring Gengar and Charizard). Good luck on collecting!