Best Way to Get Into the Game


Aspiring Trainer
Hey Pokebeach,

I was wondering what the best way (in terms of buying cards and re starting my aventure) would be.

Should I just buy a booster box and go from there? do I go for singles and only have a deck and no trade binder? do I buy the starter decks? There are plenty of options and I would love your opinions on them.Also, if I were to buy a booster box, which BW set should it be? Which is the best?(best=staples,most used cards)

Thanks and have a great week
If you go for a box, I'd say go with Dark Explorers as you can pull reprint supporters and new ones. Over all I would buy singles for what deck you want to play, you'll feel a lot better knowing you have everything for your deck compared to you spending the same amount of money on packs and having only x1 of a card you need and a play-set of Entei EX. Over all i'd go with buying singles if your getting back into the game and worry about a trade binder later.

Hope I helped!
Yes you did help :) Thanks for the response. I must mention that I am unfortunately a player who bores quite easily of the deck that I play so I constantly change it.Which isn't cheap. So I think for my wallets safety I should go with singles :p thanks

Have a reccomendation on a cheap deck? I have thread I posted for this and people seemed to suggest eels a lot, but I really dislike their hp and weakness lol
If I was in your position, singles are the way to go. There's no use in opening tons of packs after spending tons of money to only get a few useable cards in your deck.
@Hammer time, yes I do. Although it can probably be adjusted up or down a couple of bucks.

@wishwreath,thanks for he advice. I just have no clue what deck to build.Therefore, I have no clue what to buy! Plus I need to update paypal and add funds, and being a Canadian, that takes a week so it will give me time to decide on the deck
As people have been saying, buying singles is the way to go in terms of saving money. Worry about having a collection/binder later.

On the topic of choosing a deck, test decks online and choose the one you like the most. As a new player, trying to metagame your area and play the best deck possible is often difficult, and you'll do better with something you enjoy (obviously don't play something completely ridiculous if you want to win, but you get my point.) After getting the hang of things, you'll get better at deckbuilding and have more of a sense of what people play, allowing you to choose your deck with more certainty.
You could go with Darkrai/Mewtwo w/ Bouffalant. It's a good deck that isn't too expensive. Mewtwo and Darkrai are obtainable by tins and Bouffalant and Sableye are uncommons. The deck itself isn't too hard either, and the cards, once obtained, will probably be used in more decks to come, as they're pretty widely used cards right now.
The only thing that'll cost you a lot is 4 Pokemon Catchers, which are unfortunately required in almost every deck. Those 4 alone will cost you around $50.

Ninetails/Amoongus is cheap to build, is consistent, and doesn't HAVE to run 4 Catchers. Plus it's a fun deck to use if you're looking for something relatively competitive that's not too expensive.