P!P/Rules Best Finish Limits and Quarterly Seasons for 2016-2017 Tournaments!

I think this will make Challenge attendance go down. If you can get more points for placing at a Cup, then why go to a Challenge for a measly 15 points. They're really trying to market Challenges to newer players.
comparing to last year LC had a best finish limit (BFL) of 6 and cities a BFL of 4 for a total of 10 events, 15 cp max for LC and 50 cp max for cities totaling a max of 290 cp which is most to all the cp needed for Worlds (depending on age group/region).

this year as far as we can tell BFL of 2 for LC and/or L. Cup per quarter is 8 events total, if cp values hold that's 15 (LC) and 50 (L. Cup) for a max of 400 (50x8) which is higher for going to less events. if you only go to your local stores events that 15x4 + 50x4 = 260 which is pretty close to last years values.

while this may lower LC attendance somewhat the extra L. Cups should make up for it. Also LC attendance goes down in the spring as most competitive player had hit the BFL, by making BFL quarterly it should get players going to the smaller events year round.
This is a good change for the sake of accessibility but not really under any other circumstances.