

I Remember where I Lost my Mind
I was wondering if there are any other people out there who are into aquariums as a hobby or a job.

What kind of fish do you keep? What size of tanks do you have? If you have any tips or suggestions; feel free to contribute! As well, feel free to post pictures of your aquariu,s

I have been keeping tropical fish for at least 16-17'ish years old; off and on. I have a 75 gallon and a 50 gallon tank back at my parents house. I used to keep larger fish in the 75 gallon such as Oscars and Pacus. I normally kept community fish in the 50 gallon such as angelfish, catfish, loaches, gourami's but occassionally I would keep specialty fish such as elephant nose fish, firemouths, or ghost knifefish.

I recently purchased a 90 cm long tank (unsure of the gallons since I suck at metric) and have turned it into a community tank. I currently have 2 pearl gouramis, 1 blue gourami, 1 red-tailed black shark, 3 clown loaches, 2 angelfish, 2 cory catfish, 3 red-nosed tetras, 1 horse-faced loach, 5 giant danios, as well as a plethora of live aquatic plants. I am planing on purchasing a smaller tank to keep shrimp in it (since my angelfish will eat them).

I will post pictures fairly soon.
i like going to aquariams and seeing fish but my parents dont let me have fish... =( but i love little fishies =) ( ur fishtank sounds sooper epic)
Hmmm...lets see, I got a turtle, three toads and a tree frog(all in separate tanks), a goldfish and some other fish. Oh, and some snails. Im such a nature freak lol.
Two fishtanks, one 10 gallon with a baby turtle in it, the other a 25 gallon take with fish in it (the turtle will be taking it after the fish die). Lol my interest in aquarium tanks is more of a job since basically my only interest is designing them, cleaning them, and cleaning up after the animals in them
I havnt used my fishtank in a while because all my fish have died but I used to have 2 mini sharks, a dragon fish, 3 goldfish (I think), some ghost shrimp and 2 snails in a tank. The snails ate the goldfish which was really...freaky. I might get a turtle or two soon
At one point I had a huge oscar in my 55 gal, but I've decided part of an oscar's life cycle is to jump out of the tank and die :( It was a fun fish too, because it recognized me exclusively as the one who fed it.
joe said:
i like going to aquariams and seeing fish but my parents don't let me have fish... =( but i love little fishies =) ( ur fishtank sounds sooper epic)

Ya, I'm not allowed to have pets, so I don't have one. It would be cool though. It'd have crabs because crabs are awesome (for some reason I really like crabs... don't know why though :p)
Have you guys seen those pink mini-frogs that go in tanks and are smaller than fish? I want some of those. :p
ShadowDark said:
I haven't used my fishtank in a while because all my fish have died but I used to have 2 mini sharks, a dragon fish, 3 goldfish (I think), some ghost shrimp and 2 snails in a tank. The snails ate the goldfish which was really...freaky. I might get a turtle or two soon

If those fish didn't last long, please don't consider getting a turtle.
^ No they lasted real long actually. It was just the goldfish got eaten by the snails. The snails would slither or whatever they do up the side of the tank and when the fish came to the edge, it dropped from above. All the others lasted long though.
I used to have a hexagonal 60 gallon tank where I had everything short of salt water fish. :p Everything was going great until I got a "rope fish" that decided to crawl out of the tank and travel through the house. I bet it was an epic journey for the little guy, but it convinced me not to get anymore fish, so I let the rest of he fish live out their lives and then put the tank away.... Crazy little fish...
I would love to do a saltwater tank. However, I never had the money or time to keep one up. I would like to din the future though.

I was planning on doing a saltwater tank but the closest store that actually sells saltwater fish is at least 45 minutes away by car and a car is not what I have. There is a cool guy though in town who sells fish, primarily discus fish which I considered but he was asking $200 for them so I opted for community type fish. I hope to post pictures up soon!
55 gallon saltwater tank, clownfish included.
Its takes soooo much work though.
@Shaymin LV. X
Where do you buy Axolotls?!

I have a 30 gal tank with some standard fish; 6 neon tetra, 2 Buenos Aires Tetra, 2 Fruity Tetra, 2 Longfin black skirt Tetra, 3 dalmation Molly, 2 otocinclus catfish, and 2 Emerald Cory Cats. I also have a 10 Gal tank that I want to put cichlids in :D
I REALLY want an Aquarium, but my parents won't let me get one. -.-'
I do have a virtual aquarium, though XD. I scream at the fish all the time, though, so that may indicate I probably shouldn't get a real aquarium. XD.

Are aquariums really hard to clean and everything? That's what I really want to know.
I have a saltwater fish tank. Well, it's really my dad's. I myself hate things without brains, hearts or bones. It has some of the fish from Finding Nemo: Two clownfish, a regal tang, a bunch of anemones, some shrimp, and a whole lot of others.